Thorlabs Inc.
Visit the Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators, Single Mode page for pricing and availability information

Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators, Single Mode

  • Single Mode, Fixed Attenuators from 3 dB to 25 dB
  • Operating Wavelength Ranges from 1240 - 1620 nm
  • FC/PC or FC/APC Connectors


Fiber Attenuator / Terminator Kit, FC/APC Connectors (Not to Scale)


1240 - 1620 nm
3 dB Attenuation


1240 - 1620 nm
25 dB Attenuation

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  • Attenuates Optical Signal
  • FC/PC or FC/APC Connectors
  • Kits Containing Six FC/PC or FC/APC Attenuators Available

Thorlabs' Single Mode Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators allow one to attenuate an optical signal easily by plugging an FC/PC- or FC/APC-terminated fiber directly into the back end of the attenuator connector. The input of the attenuator has a 2.2 mm wide key female connector, making it compatible with both narrow key and wide key male connectors. The output of the attenuator has a 2.0 mm narrow key male connector (either FC/PC or FC/APC). These single mode attenuators are made with polarization-insensitive doped fiber to achieve the specified attenuation over operating wavelength ranges between 1240 - 1620 nm.

Every attenuator includes connector caps. For replacements, plastic FC connector and mating sleeve caps are available.

Hide Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators: FC/PC

Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators: FC/PC

Item # (Click for Photo) FA03T FA05T FA10T FA15T FA20T FA25T
Fiber Connector FC/PC
Key Size Universal (Female 2.2 mm Wide-Key Input, Male 2.0 mm Narrow-Key Output)
Attenuationa 3 ± 0.5 dB 5 ± 0.5 dB 10 ± 0.7 dB 15 ± 1.0 dB 20 ± 1.0 dB 25 ± 1.3 dB
Operating Wavelength Range 1240 - 1620 nm
Attenuation Graphb
(Click for Details)
Transmission 50.1 ± 6.1% 31.6 ± 3.9% 10.0 ± 1.8% 3.2 ± 0.8% 1.0 ± 0.3% 0.32 ± 0.1%
Return Loss ≥40 dB
Maximum Input Power 1 W
Operating Temperature -40 to 85 °C
  • This attenuation does not include insertion loss. This value was measured by using a detector in freespace, therefore additional losses can be expected if used as the intermediary element between two fiber-coupled components.
  • The shaded region in these plots indicates the operating wavelength range that we specify for each attenuator. Performance outside of this range is not guaranteed.

Part Number
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 3 dB, FC/PC
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 5 dB, FC/PC
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 10 dB, FC/PC
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 15 dB, FC/PC
2 Weeks
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 20 dB, FC/PC
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 25 dB, FC/PC

Hide Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators: FC/APC

Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators: FC/APC

Item # (Click for Photo) FA03T-APC FA05T-APC FA10T-APC FA15T-APC FA20T-APC FA25T-APC
Fiber Connector FC/APC
Key Size Universal (Female 2.2 mm Wide-Key Input, Male 2.0 mm Narrow-Key Output)
Attenuationa,b 3 ± 0.5 dB 5 ± 0.5 dB 10 ± 1.0 dB 15 ± 1.0 dB 20 ± 1.0 dB 25 ± 1.5 dB
Operating Wavelength Range 1240 - 1620 nm
Attenuation Graphc
(Click for Details)
Transmission 50.1 ± 6.1% 31.6 ± 3.9% 10.0 ± 2.6% 3.2 ± 0.8% 1.0 ± 0.3% 0.32 ± 0.13%
Return Loss ≥60 dB
Maximum Input Power 1 W
Operating Temperature -40 to 85 °C
  • The attenuation tolerance value takes into account alignment variability due to the universal key design. When mating connectors with different key sizes, the angled fiber tips may not come into full contact.
  • This measurement does not include insertion loss. This value was measured by using a detector in freespace, therefore additional losses can be expected if used as the intermediary element between two fiber-coupled components.
  • The shaded region in these plots indicates the operating wavelength range that we specify for each attenuator. Performance outside of this range is not guaranteed.

Part Number
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 3 dB, FC/APC
Customer Inspired! Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 5 dB, FC/APC
Customer Inspired! Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 10 dB, FC/APC
Customer Inspired! Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 15 dB, FC/APC
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 20 dB, FC/APC
Customer Inspired! Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator, 1240 - 1620 nm, 25 dB, FC/APC

Hide Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator and Terminator Kits

Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator and Terminator Kits

FAK03 FC/PC Attenuator KitFAK05 FC/APC Attenuator Kit
Item Qty.a Item Qty.a
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuatorsb Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuatorsb
3 dB, FC/PC (FA03T) 1 3 dB, FC/APC (FA03T-APC) 1
5 dB, FC/PC (FA05T) 1 5 dB, FC/APC (FA05T-APC) 1
10 dB, FC/PC (FA10T) 1 10 dB, FC/APC (FA10T-APC) 1
15 dB, FC/PC (FA15T) 1 15 dB, FC/APC (FA15T-APC) 1
20 dB, FC/PC (FA20T) 1 20 dB, FC/APC (FA20T-APC) 1
25 dB, FC/PC (FA25T) 1 25 dB, FC/APC (FA25T-APC) 1
Fiber Optic Terminator / Light Trapc Fiber Optic Terminator / Light Trapc
FC/PC Connector (FTFC1) 5 FC/APC Connector (FTAPC1) 5
Dust Caps Dust Caps
Female, White 12 Female, Green 12
Male, Clear 25 Male, Green 25
  • Although these kits ship with the specified number of each component, the box is capable of accepting three additional attenuators per compartment and five additional terminators.
  • Please see the tables above for a complete list of specifications for our fiber attenuators.
  • Please click here for a complete list of specifications for our fiber terminators.
  • Six Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators for 1240 - 1620 nm with Attenuation Values Ranging from 3 to 25 dB
  • Five Fiber Optic Terminators / Light Traps for Use in the 400 - 2100 nm Wavelength Range
  • Additional 12 Female and 25 Male Dust Caps Included for Convenience
  • Versions Available with FC/PC or FC/APC Connectors
  • Packaged in a Compact Plastic Box with Nine Individual Compartments

Thorlabs' Fiber Optic Attenuator and Terminator Kits each contain six fixed attenuators, five terminators, and a selection of dust caps. Components in the FAK03 kit have FC/PC connectors while those in the FAK05 kit have FC/APC connectors. Each kit is packaged in a plastic box measuring 7.0" x 3.5" x 1.25" (177.8 mm x 88.9 mm x 31.8 mm) and has nine labeled compartments. The label on the lid indicates the contents, associated Thorlabs item number (where applicable), attenuation value and tolerance for the attenuators, and wavelength range and return loss for the terminators. The table to the right lists the description and quantity of each item included in these kits.

Part Number
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator/Terminator Kit, FC/PC Connectors
Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuator/Terminator Kit, FC/APC Connectors