Thorlabs Inc.
Visit the Ø2

Ø2" Adapters for Unmounted Optics

  • Mounting Solutions for Ø1" to Ø48 mm Optics
  • Adapt Optics to Mounts with Either Ø2" Bore or Internal SM2 Threading
  • Setscrew or Retaining Ring for Optic Retention


Ø1" Smooth Central Bore
Ø2" Smooth Outer Surface


Internally M42.5 x 0.5 Threaded
Central Bore, Externally SM2 Threaded


Ø1.51" Smooth Central Bore,
Externally SM2 Threaded


Internally SM1-Threaded
Central Bore, Ø2" Smooth
Outer Surface

Hide Overview


Selection Guide
Optic RetentionSmooth 2" Outer DiameterExternally SM2-Threaded Outer Surface
Smooth Bore
w/ Setscrew
Adapters for Ø1", Ø30 mm, or Ø1.5" OpticsAdapter for Ø1.5" Components
Close Approach Dual
Bore w/ Setscrew
Adapter for Ø1" Optics-
Internal Threads
w/ Retaining Rings
Adapter for Ø1" OpticsAdapters for Optics between
Ø30 mm and Ø48 mm
Smooth Bore
w/ Setscrew
Adapter for Ø1.2" Components

Thorlabs offers these Ø2" adapters for unmounted optics to easily integrate various optic diameter standards into Ø2" optomechanical systems, including optic mounts and lens tubes (see the Selection Guide to the right). The unthreaded adapters presented here are double-bored to provide 2 lines of mounting contact for Ø1", Ø30 mm, or Ø1.5" optics. Our externally SM2- (2.035"-40) threaded adapters with internally threaded central bores can house optics ranging from Ø30 mm to Ø48 mm. A Ø2" adapter with internal SM1 (1.053"-40) threading for Ø1" optics and and externally SM2-threaded adapters with smooth central bores for components are also available.

Thorlabs also offers Ø1" adapters for unmounted optics.

Hide Ø2" Adapters with Counterbore

Ø2" Adapters with Counterbore

Unthreaded Mounting Adapter
Click to Enlarge

Ø1" Optic Mounted in a Ø2" KM200 Mirror Mount Using an AD2 Adapter
ADx Drawing
Item # Counterbore ODa Optic Thickness (Min)b Tc
AD2 Ø1.00" (Ø25.4 mm) Ø2.00" 0.22" (5.6 mm) 0.25" (6.4 mm)
AD2-30 Ø30 mm (Ø1.18") Ø2.00" 0.22" (5.6 mm) 0.25" (6.4 mm)
AD2-1.5 Ø1.51" (Ø38 mm) Ø2.00" 0.27" (6.9 mm) 0.33" (8.4 mm)
  • Outer Diameter.
  • This specification is true for thin lenses. For lenses with short focal lengths, and hence large lens curvatures, please contact technical support to ensure a proper fit.
  • Thickness of the adapter. See the drawing above.

These unthreaded adapters feature a smooth Ø2" outer surface and a double-bored counterbore to provide two lines of mounting contact. The counterbores in the AD2, AD2-30, and AD2-1.5 are Ø1", Ø30 mm and Ø1.5", respectively. Optics are secured against the two contact lines using a nylon-tipped setscrew.

Part Number
Ø2" OD Adapter for Ø1" Optic, 0.25" Thick
Ø2" OD Adapter for Ø30 mm Optic, 0.25" Thick
Customer Inspired! Ø2" OD Adapter for Ø1.5" Optic, 0.33" Thick

Hide Ø2" Close Approach Adapter for Ø1" Optics

Ø2" Close Approach Adapter for Ø1" Optics

Clear Aperture Adapter
Click to Enlarge

The AD2-CA Adapter Allows Separation of Closely Spaced Beams Using Ø1" Optics
AD2-CA Drawing

The AD2-CA is designed with a 2" outer diameter and dual Ø1" internal bores. Please note that only one internal bore is meant for mounting the optic, which is held in place with an 8-32 nylon-tipped setscrew. This adapter enables separation of closely spaced beams with Ø1" circular optical components and is ideal for applications that require a narrow-angle back reflection. If you wish to mount one of our D-shaped mirrors, we recommend using one of our D-shaped mirror mounts.

Part Number
Ø2" OD Adapter for Ø1" Optic with Clear Aperture, 0.28" Thick

Hide Ø2" Adapter with Internal SM1 Threads

Ø2" Adapter with Internal SM1 Threads

Threaded Mounting Adapter
Click to Enlarge

Ø1" Optic in Threaded SM1 Lens Tube Mounted in Ø2" KM200 Mirror Mount Using an AD2T Adapter
ADxT Drawing

The AD2T Adapter features internal SM1 threading and is designed to hold a Ø1" unmounted optic up to 0.37" (9.4 mm) thick with the included SM1RR retaining ring.b Alternatively, retaining rings can be used to hold this adapter in an SM2 lens tube. With a smooth outer diameter, the AD2T is especially well suited for mounting Ø1" wave plates into Ø2" mounts.

Item # CA OD Optic Thickness (Max) Internal Thread Retaining Ring Spanner Wrench
AD2T Ø23.0 mma Ø2" 0.37" (9.4 mm)b SM1 (1.035"-40) SM1RR SPW801 or SPW602
  • Clear Aperture of retaining ring.
  • Maximum Optical Thickness: This specification is true for thin lenses. For lenses with short focal lengths, and hence large lens curvatures, please contact technical support to ensure a proper fit.

Part Number
Ø2" OD Adapter with Internal SM1 Threads, 0.50" Thick

Hide SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapters with Internal Bore

SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapters with Internal Bore

Click to Enlarge

SM1 Lens Tube Mounted in KM200 Mount Using SM2A21
SM1 Series Adapters

These adapters feature external SM2 threads and center bores through the length of each part. The SM2B2 adapter has a 0.05" hex setscrew that secures Ø1.5" objects. The SM2A21 adapter has a 5/64" (2 mm) hex nylon-tipped setscrew, secures Ø1.2" components, and also features a 2.00" (50.8 mm) outer diameter. This allows the SM2A21 to be used with Ø2" optic mounts, such as the KM200. Both mounts feature SM2 threads, allowing them to be mounted in our SM2 Lens Tubes and SM2-compatible mounts.

Item # Bore OD Optic Thickness (Max) External Thread
SM2A21 Ø1.20" (Ø30.5 mm) Ø2.00" (Ø50.8 mm) N/Aa SM2 (2.035"-40)
SM2B2 Ø1.51" (Ø38.2 mm) Ø2.20" (Ø55.9 mm) N/Aa SM2 (2.035"-40)
  • These adapters each have a center bore through the length of the part, so the thickness of the mounted object is not limited.

Part Number
Externally SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter with Ø1.20" (Ø30.5 mm) Bore and 2" Outer Diameter
Externally SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter with Ø1.51" Bore and 2.2" Outer Diameter

Hide SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapters with Internal Threads

SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapters with Internal Threads

SM1 Series Adapters

These externally SM2-threaded adapters are designed to mount optics between Ø30 mm and Ø48 mm in internally SM2-threaded components, such as our Ø2" Lens Tubes or Ø2" Optic Mounts. Each mount features external SM2 threads and an internally threaded central bore (see the table below for thread specifications). Two retaining rings are included for securing optics in the adapter.

Item # Optic CAa Optic Thickness (Max)b Internal Thread External Thread Retaining Ring Spanner Wrench
SM2AD30 Ø30 mm Ø1.10" (Ø27.9 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M30.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM30RR SPW801
SM2AD31 Ø31 mm Ø1.14" (Ø29.0 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M31.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM31RR
SM2AD32 Ø32 mm Ø1.18" (Ø30.0 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M32.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM32RR
SM2AD33 Ø33 mm Ø1.22" (Ø31.0 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M33.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM33RR
SM2AD34 Ø34 mm Ø1.26" (Ø32.0 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M34.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM34RR
SM2AD35 Ø35 mm Ø1.30" (Ø33.0 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M35.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM35RR
SM2AD36 Ø36 mm Ø1.34" (Ø34.0 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M36.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM36RR
SM2AD37 Ø37 mm Ø1.38" (Ø35.0 mm) 0.28" (7.1 mm) M37.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM37RR
SM2AD1.5 Ø1.5" Ø1.37" (Ø34.8 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) 1.535"-40 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM1.5RR SPW608 or SPW801
SM2AD39 Ø39 mm Ø1.44" (Ø36.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M39.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM39RR SPW801
SM2AD40 Ø40 mm Ø1.47" (Ø37.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M40.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM40RR
SM2AD41 Ø41 mm Ø1.51" (Ø38.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M41.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM41RR
SM2AD42 Ø42 mm Ø1.55" (Ø39.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M42.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM42RR
SM2AD43 Ø43 mm Ø1.59" (Ø40.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M43.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM43RR
SM2AD44 Ø44 mm Ø1.63" (Ø41.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M44.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM44RR
SM2AD45 Ø45 mm Ø1.67" (Ø42.4 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M45.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM45RR
SM2AD46 Ø46 mm Ø1.71" (Ø43.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M46.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM46RR
SM2AD47 Ø47 mm Ø1.75" (Ø44.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M47.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM47RR
SM2AD48 Ø48 mm Ø1.79" (Ø45.5 mm) 0.36" (9.1 mm) M48.5 x 0.5 SM2 (2.035"-40) SM48RR
  • Clear Aperture of Retaining Ring.
  • Maximum Optical Thickness: This specification is true for thin lenses. For lenses with short focal lengths, and hence large lens curvatures, please contact technical support to ensure a proper fit.

Part Number
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø30 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø31 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø32 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø33 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø34 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø35 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø36 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø37 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø1.5" (Ø38 mm) Optics
2 Weeks
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø39 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø40 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø41 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø42 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø43 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø44 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø45 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø46 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø47 mm Optics
SM2-Threaded Mounting Adapter for Ø48 mm Optics