Telesto® Series PS-OCT Systems

Telesto® Series PS-OCT Systems

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OCT Family Updates

We recently improved the OCT Base Units, and the new additions include:

  • Fully Configurable Trigger for Integration into Larger Experiments
  • Analog Input for Combining Other Data Sources with the OCT Signal
  • Internal Hardware Diagnostics for Improved Troubleshooting

The SD-OCT standard scanners have also been redesigned with a new micrometer screw for more precise reference arm positioning.

New features added to ThorImage®OCT include a despeckle filter, 3D speckle variance mode, and automatic peak detection.

Optical Coherence Tomography Full System Assembly
OCT Systems Comparison
Customization Options

Exploring the Options?

Demo Rooms Button

We can provide tailored recommendations and partner with you to obtain images of your samples, demonstrating the impact of the OCT base unit and probe optics on image quality. Demos of our OCT systems can be arranged at our Sterling, VA (USA); Shanghai, China; Tokyo, Japan; and Lübeck, Germany facilities. See the OCT Demo Rooms tab.

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System prices vary based on the exact components. Through our conversations, we can ensure your system quote is tailored to your requirements.

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Thorlabs OCT Group
OCT Applications Team Based in Lübeck, Germany

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Application Articles


  • Single-Input Polarization-Sensitive OCT System with Unique Detector Unit for Simultaneous Acquisition of Both Orthogonal Polarizations at Full Imaging Speed
  • Robust Setup for Highly Reproducible Measurements
  • Configurable Systems Optimized for High-Resolution, High-Depth Imaging
    • 3.5 mm Imaging Depth with 5.5 µm Axial Resolution in Air
      (1300 nm Center Wavelength)
    • 7.0 mm Imaging Depth with 11 µm Axial Resolution in Air
      (1325 nm Center Wavelength)
  • Base Units with A-Scan Rates up to 76 kHz or up to 109 dB Sensitivity Available
  • Includes Computer and ThorImage®OCT Software Package
    (See the Software Tab)
  • Build-Your-Own and Preconfigured Systems Available

Choose Components to Build or Customize Your OCT System

  • Choose from High-Resolution (1300 nm) or Long-Range (1325 nm) Base Units
  • Standard and User-Customizable Scanner Available
  • Scan Lens Kits to Optimize Lateral Resolution and Focal Length for Your Application
  • Ring- and Immersion-Style Sample Z-Spacers for Air or Liquid Imaging Applications
  • Scanner Stand and Translation Stage Accessories
  • Contact Our OCT Team to Request a Quote and Discuss Building a System

Telesto® Series Polarization-Sensitive OCT (PS-OCT) Systems preserve, detect, and process polarization information of samples through noninvasive, subsurface optical imaging. This technology can uncover normally unobserved features of birefringent samples (e.g. tissue, plastic, or crystals) that stem from the internal microstructure. For example, scar tissue will interact differently with polarized light than regular skin tissue, so the polarization information can be used to add an additional layer of contrast to a standard optical coherence tomography (OCT) image. This additional layer can be characterized as the cumulative retardation, optic axis, or degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU).

OCT is an optical imaging technique that produces real-time, 2D cross-sectional and 3D volumetric images of a sample. This technique provides structural information about the sample based on light backscattered from different layers of material within that sample, producing images with micron-level resolution and millimeters of imaging depth. In addition to high resolution, the non-contact, noninvasive nature of OCT makes it well suited for imaging samples such as biological tissue, small animals, and industrial materials.

The Telesto PS-OCT systems use an incident beam of known polarization and a dual-detector design to incorporate polarization information in 2D cross-sectional and 3D volumetric images of a sample. OCT is typically performed with an incident beam of unknown polarization and a single detector unit. The Telesto PS-OCT systems control the polarization incident on the sample and reflected in the reference arm of the interferometer by using two carefully aligned wave plates. The preserved polarization information is then measured using two detectors (see the PS-OCT Tutorial tab).

These OCT systems provide the flexibility required for long-range and high-resolution imaging applications. The detector unit is housed in the same box as the standard Telesto systems and features the same robustness as all Thorlabs OCT systems. No calibration or adjustment is needed after shipping or during use. The compact design of the system allows for easy and mobile operation. The 64-bit software pre-installed on the included computer displays and processes 2D and 3D OCT data in real time. Optional accessories are available below to customize your OCT system to meet the requirements of your application. Additionally, Thorlabs offers two complete, preconfigured OCT systems for 1300 or 1325 nm based on the components sold on this page.

The components below can also be used to upgrade your existing Thorlabs OCT system with additional features and are compatible out of the box with the Thorlabs' OCT systems and accessories sold below. While most systems are upgradable, we recommend contacting the OCT Team to determine the optimal solution for your system and intended application.

Click on the Image Below or in the Table to the Right for Details on Customization Options

Telesto Base UnitTelesto Base UnitTelesto Base UnitOCT Sample StageOCT StandBorder1Border2
Telesto Customization Options
OCT Base Unit
(Computer Included)
Scanning System
Scan Lens Kit
Reference Length Adapter
(For Standard Scanners Only)
Adjustable Scanner Stand
Translation Stage
Preconfigured Systems

Polarization-Sensitive OCT

With Thorlabs' Telesto® Series Polarization-Sensitive OCT (PS-OCT) Imaging Systems, it is possible to obtain additional information carried by the polarization state of light that has interacted with a sample. When incident light with a defined polarization state is used, changes in the polarization state resulting from the sample can be interpreted. Birefringent material causes a relative delay between two orthogonal polarization states known as phase retardation. This relative delay has an orientation, called the optic axis, which can be visualized with polarization-sensitive OCT. Additionally, the sample can have properties which depolarize the incident polarized light, resulting in an arbitrary polarization state of the light that can be characterized by the degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU). Both these behaviors can be detected with the Telesto PS-OCT systems.

PS-OCT Telesto schematic
Click for Details

PS-OCT System Schematic

System Design

A Telesto PS-OCT system is a phase-stable spectral domain OCT system. It is a single-input device with a unique polarization-sensitive detector unit for simultaneous acquisition of two orthogonal polarization states at full imaging speed. The Telesto PS-OCT system is designed to define the polarization state of light incident on the sample and preserve polarization throughout the system, as shown in the schematic to the right. Starting with linearly polarized light from the superluminescent diode light source, two quarter-wave plates, one in the reference arm and one in the sample arm, are used to alter the polarization state of the light. In the reference arm, the quarter-wave plate has a 22.5° orientation relative to the linearly polarized input; the beam passes through the wave plate twice, so light exits the reference arm with a 45° linear polarization relative to the input light. In the sample arm, the quarter-wave plate is oriented at 45° relative to linearly polarized input light, converting it into circularly polarized light that is incident on the sample. The orientation of these two wave plates enables the system to be as polarization sensitive as possible. In addition to the wave plates, specially designed optical components maintain polarization throughout the whole system.

The detection of two polarization states does not slow down the acquisition rate when compared to the standard TEL211 and TEL221 systems, allowing the same imaging speeds to be achieved. The system was designed with robustness and easy handling in mind. No calibration of the polarization-sensitive detector unit is necessary at any time, as expected from a true turnkey OCT system. The result is a polarization-sensitive OCT system that yields highly reproducible measurements.

Signal Processing

The two individual OCT images from the unique polarization-sensitive detector unit can be shown separately or combined in a total intensity image. Some samples, e.g. scotch tape, may produce changes in polarization state that cause extinction banding. Since the two sensors receive light with orthogonal linear polarizations, the extinction bands will appear in different locations in each image. The total intensity image provides the advantage of eliminating this banding, leading to a better OCT image compared to standard OCT systems.

PS-OCT Tape 1
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Sensor 1 OCT Image: The polarization mismatch of the light from the sample and reference arm produces extinction bands.
PS-OCT Tape 2
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Sensor 2 OCT Image: The polarization mismatch occurs at different depths of the sample compared to sensor 1, due to receiving light with the orthogonal linear polarization state.
PS-OCT Tape 3
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Total Intensity Image: The information of both sensors is combined, producing an optimized OCT image without the banding.

To obtain polarization images, the combination of the information from both sensors (red box in the figure below) is necessary. The information provided by two orthogonal polarization states of interfered light enables the calculation of the Stokes vectors (I, Q, U, V) for each image point. Each one of these values (I = Total Intensity) may be imaged individually, as shown in the purple box in the figure below. In addition, the Stokes vectors describing the polarization state of light can be used to determine several more advanced polarization measurements. As shown in the blue box in the figure below, cumulative retardation, optic axis, or degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU) may be calculated. Example images of tape are shown in the figure below (click each box to enlarge).

PS-OCT First Tier DataPS-OCT Second Tier DataPS-OCT Third Tier Data

A roll of tape is imaged with Thorlabs’ PS-OCT system using orthogonal polarization information from two sensors to calculate Stokes vectors, which are then used to calculate cumulative retardation, optic axis, or DOPU. With our software, it is possible to see all the images shown in the figure separately. For detailed information, please see the Software tab.

ThorImageOCT Documentation
ThorImageOCT Software Manual
Third-Party Software License Agreements

ThorImage®OCT Software Index

OCT Scan Control Screen Shot
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Rendered Volume of a Zebrafish with Modifiable Clipping Plane

ThorImageOCT Software

  • Interactive Scan Position Control through Video Display for Common Line Scans or Freeform Pattern Scans
  • Advanced Dataset Management
  • Access to Raw Spectra, Processsed Data, and All Calibration Files Necessary for User-Designed Processing Routines
  • High-Speed Volume Rendering of 3D Data
  • Polarization-Sensitive Imaging with Algorithms for Displaying Retardation, Optic Axis, or DOPU
  • Doppler and Speckle Variance Imaging
  • Versatile Scan and Acquisition Control, such as Averaging or Adjustable Scan Speeds

ThorImageOCT is a high-performance data acquisition software that is included with all Thorlabs OCT systems. This 64-bit Windows-based software package performs data acquisition, processing, and scan control, as well as displays OCT images. Additionally, NI LabVIEW and C-based Software Development Kits (SDKs) are available, which contain a complete set of libraries for measurement control, data acquisition, and processing, as well as for storage and display of OCT images. The SDKs provide the means for developing highly specialized OCT imaging software for every individual application.

OCT Scan Control Screen Shot
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Various acquisition parameters can be adjusted in ThorImageOCT.

Scan Control

ThorImageOCT provides numerous scan and acquisition controls. The camera integrated in the scanner of our OCT systems provides live video images in the application software. Defining the scan line for 2D imaging or the scan area for 3D imaging is accomplished through the easy-to-use "Draw and Scan" feature by clicking on the video image.

High Speed OCT Software Draw and Scan Line
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The Sample Monitor can be used to define the scan pattern using the "Draw and Scan" feature.

With version 5.0, a new freeform scan pattern feature has been implemented. Arbitrary forms defined by the Draw & Scan feature or loaded .txt files can be scanned. The scan pattern can also be adjusted by specifying suitable parameters in the controls of the software, as shown to the right.

High Speed OCT Software Draw and Scan Circle
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A predefined circle scan pattern can be loaded and scanned in the software. The size can be changed with the Zoom feature.
High Speed OCT Software Draw and Scan Triangle
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A predefined triangle scan pattern can be loaded and scanned in the software. The size can be changed with the Zoom feature.

Additionally, one can further set processing parameters, averaging parameters, and the speed and sensitivity of the device using device presets. By using a high-speed preset, video-like frame rates in 2D and fast volume rendering in 3D are possible, whereas high-sensitivity acquisition is enabled by choosing a preset with a lower acquisition speed.


Despeckle Filter
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Despeckle Filter Applied to an OCT Image of a Human Tooth
Despeckle Filter
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OCT Image of a Human Tooth

Processing Options

ThorImageOCT provides features specifically designed to improve the quality of OCT images. The data can be modified during acquisition using processing parameters, such as image field correction and undersampling filters, or afterwards with filters. As shown to the right, the despeckle filter can be applied to an image to reduce speckle noise without blurring details of the imaged structure.

If additional processing functions are desired, ThorImageOCT can also integrate user-defined post-processing algorithms; see the Third Party Applications section for more details.


Marker Tool
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The marker tool can be used to measure layer thickness.

Data Analysis

ThorImageOCT includes several tools for convenient data analysis. The integrated marker tool serves to measures distances, as well as the structure size. Additionally, this tool can be used to display intensity profile of the OCT data across a line. For precise distance and thickness measurements, the refractive index of the material under investigation can be set.


ThorImage OCT Dataset Management Panel
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The Dataset Management Window of ThorImageOCT

Dataset Management

ThorImageOCT provides advanced dataset management capabilities, which allow several datasets to be opened simultaneously. Datasets are uniquely defined using an identifier consisting of a study (or test series) name and an experiment number. Grouping of datasets can be achieved by using the same study name. The "Captured Datasets" list shows an overview of all open datasets, including the dataset identifier, the acquisition mode, and preview pictures of the still video image and the OCT data.

Datasets can be exported in various image formats, such as PNG, BMP, JPEG, PDF, or TIFF. The set can also be exported in complete data formats suited for post-processing purposes, such as RAW/SRM, FITS, VTK, VFF, and 32-bit floating-point TIFF.

The OCT file format native to ThorImageOCT allows OCT data, sample monitor data, and all relevant metadata to be stored in a single file. ThorImageOCT can also be installed and run on computers without OCT devices in order to view and export OCT data. The user has full access to the raw and processed data from the device, including additional data used for processing, e.g. offset errors.


ThorImage OCT Third Party Applications Panel
Export buttons are accessible in the Action Toolbar of ThorImageOCT.

Third-Party Applications

If both ImageJ and ThorImageOCT are installed on the computer, opening acquired OCT data in ImageJ is one mouse click away. This enables a smooth workflow when requiring the advanced image processing functionality provided by ImageJ. Clicking the Explorer button will open the folder and select the file in Windows Explorer where the currently active dataset is stored.

Marker Tool
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After smoothing the data in ImageJ, the marker tool in ThorImageOCT can be used to measure layer thickness.
Despeckle Filter
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A filter for smoothing lateral directions is applied to the image in ImageJ.
Despeckle Filter
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OCT data of a plastic multilayered film with speckle.

Acquired OCT datasets can also be exported and modified in a third-party program, and then reimported back into the ThorImageOCT software. This functionality allows for fast and customized modifications of OCT images, while still using the dataset management of the ThorImageOCT software. As shown in the example to the right, OCT data (left) can be exported to ImageJ and a smoothing filter applied in the lateral direction (center). Using the "External Program" button allows the modified data to be reimported into ThorImageOCT for further analysis. For example, the peak detection tool can be used to measure the layer thicknesses (right).

Imaging Modes

Different OCT imaging modes can be selected using the mode selector. If the ThorImageOCT software finds a compatible system connected and switched on, all operational modes will be selectable. If no OCT device is present, only the data viewing mode for viewing and OCT data export will be available.

In the Polarization-Sensitive OCT (PS-OCT) system, two additional imaging modes are available and the 1D mode is augmented to show each camera's spectra simultaneously. The combination of both cameras, and therefore the unique additional information of the PS-OCT system, is implemented in the 2D and 3D Polarization-Sensitive Imaging Modes.

OCT Software 1D Mode M-scan
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Several A-Scans at a Single Point Over Time (M-Scan)

1D Mode

In this mode, single-point measurements can be made that provide spectral and depth information, as well as the ability to observe time-related sample behavior with an M-scan. For single-point measurements, the simultaneously acquired spectra of the two line scan cameras in the PS-OCT system are displayed separately.

OCT Software 1D Mode
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Spectral and Depth Information for a Single Point (A-Scan)

OCT Software 2D Mode
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ThorImageOCT Window in 2D Mode

2D Mode

In the 2D imaging mode, the probe beam scans in one direction, acquiring cross-sectional OCT images which are then displayed in real time. Line averaging before or after the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is available, as well as B-Scan averaging. For long term measurements, a time series function, which has an adjustable time interval between two acquisitions, is included. Image display parameters, such as color mapping, can be controlled in this mode. We have also implemented an option for automatic calculation of the optimum contrast and brightness of the displayed OCT images.

2D Polarization-Sensitive Mode

The 2D polarization-sensitive imaging mode acquires cross-sectional OCT images and displays them in real time. It has two configurable displays, each able to show one of the following images: a single camera's intensity, a combination of both cameras' intensities, or polarization data such as retardation, optic axis, DOPU or a single Stokes parameter. To improve the image quality or allow for variable acquisition time, several averaging parameters and adjustable line rates are implemented. Image display parameters, such as color mapping or thresholding, can be controlled in this mode. We have also implemented an option for automatic calculation of the optimum contrast, brightness and thresholding of the displayed OCT images which operates on the intensity and PS-OCT images.

OCT Software 2D PS Mode
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ThorImageOCT Window in 2D Polarization-Sensitive Mode.
OCT Software 2D PS Double Screen
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Dual Display Configuration of 2D Polarization-Sensitive Mode

3D Mode

In the 3D imaging mode, the OCT probe beam scans sequentially across the sample to collect a series of 2D cross-sectional images which are then processed to build a 3D image.

To accommodate long term measurements, a time series function that takes a series of 3D measurements is available. The number of volumes to be acquired and the time interval between scans are adjustable.

In the ThorImageOCT software, 3D volume datasets can be viewed as orthogonal cross-sectional planes (see below) and volume renderings.

The Sectional View features cross-sectional images in all three orthogonal planes, independent of the orientation in which the data was acquired. The view can be rotated as well as zoomed in and out.

The Rendering View provides a volumetric rendering of the acquired volume dataset. This view enables quick 3D visualization of the sample being imaged. Planes of any orientation can be clipped to expose structures within the volume. The 3D image can be zoomed in and out as well as rotated. Furthermore, the coloring and dynamic range settings can be adjusted.

Utilizing the full potential of our high-performance software in combination with our high-speed OCT systems, we have included a Fast Volume Rendering Mode in the ThorImageOCT software, which serves as a preview for high-resolution 3D acquisitions. In this mode, high-speed volume renderings can be displayed in real-time, providing rapid visualization of samples in three dimensions.

OCT 3D Imaging Screen Shot
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Rendering View in ThorImageOCT
OCT 3D Imaging Screen Shot
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Sectional View in ThorImageOCT

OCT Software 3D PS Mode
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The ThorImageOCT window in the 3D Polarization-Sensitive Mode.

3D Polarization-Sensitive Mode

The 3D polarization-sensitive imaging mode extends the 3D imaging mode. The acquisition and display options are the same as in the 3D imaging mode. Additionally, the user can choose to display one of the following rendered volume imaging options: an intensity OCT image (from either a single camera or the combination of both) or a PS-OCT image (such as retardation, optic axis, DOPU or one of the three Stokes parameters). The rendered PS-OCT images can be adjusted with a threshold computed out of the intensity OCT image to only display the polarization-sensitive data of regions above the noise.

ThorImage OCT includes a Fast Volume Rendering mode, which serves a preview for high-resolution 3D acquisitions of intensity and PS-OCT images. In this mode, high-speed volume renderings can be displayed in real time, providing rapid visualization of samples in three dimensions.

OCT Doppler Imaging Screen Shot
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Doppler dataset showing the velocity of a rotated plastic stick with opposite flow directions.

Doppler Mode

Doppler OCT imaging comes standard with all OCT systems. In the Doppler mode, phase shifts between adjacent A-scans are averaged to calculate the Doppler frequency shift induced by particle motion or flow. The number of lateral and axial pixels can be modified to change velocity sensitivity and resolution during phase shift calculation. The Doppler images are displayed in the main window with a color map indicating forward- or backward-directed flow, relative to the OCT beam.

OCT Speckle Variance Imaging Screen Shot
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Speckle variance measurement showing blood vessels of a mouse brain.

Speckle Variance Mode

The speckle variance imaging mode is an acquisition mode which uses the variance of speckle noise to calculate angiographic images. It can be used to visualize three dimensional vessel trees without requiring significant blood flow and without requiring a specific acquisition speed window. The speckle variance data can be overlaid on top of intensity pictures providing morphological information. Different color maps can be used to display the multimodal pictures.

Externally-Triggered Acquisition

ThorImageOCT and the SDK APIs provide the ability to externally trigger the acquisition of A-Scans. This enables the user to synchronize measurements from different modalities (e.g. vibrometry and synchronized positioning) with an OCT measurement. Synchronization is greatly simplified with all current CameraLink-based Thorlabs OCT systems (a TTL level trigger signal source required). External triggering is available for all imaging modes and can be toggled in the settings dialog in ThorImageOCT.

Thorlabs' current generation of Ganymede (Item # GAN6x1) and Telesto (Item #s TELxx1 & TELxx1PS) SD-OCT Systems include an external B-Scan trigger for synchronization with other experiments.


Analog Data
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Analog Data Visualization in the 2D Display

Analog Input for Synchronization with Other Modalities

Thorlabs' current generation of Ganymede (Item # GAN6x1) and Telesto (Item #s TELxx1 & TELxx1PS) SD-OCT Systems include two analog input channels, which can be used to combine imaging modalities. The analog signal from another data source (i.e., fluorescence signal) is sampled and displayed simultaneously with the OCT signal.



Software Development Kits

For maximum flexibility, customized solutions can be implemented in ThorImageOCT using software development kits (SDKs). Experienced software developers can use these in a multitude of programming environments to tailor the use of Thorlabs OCT systems to their specific application. SDKs are available in:

  • ANSI C with C++ Demo Programs
  • LabVIEW® Including Demo Programs and Advanced Sample Code

OCT Software Probe Calibration
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Probe Calibration Window in ThorImageOCT

Probe Calibration

Changing to a different scan lens kit will generally require a different probe configuration in order to adapt to changes in the optical parameters of the system. When an additional scan lens is purchased for your Thorlabs OCT scanner system, ThorImageOCT enables you to easily create a fitting configuration for your new scan lens by using the calibration sample shipped with the lens and an intuitive step-by-step calibration process (shown to the right).

Video Showing Screencast of ThorImageOCT Rendering Capabilities

In this video, OCT images of a finger are acquired and manipulated in the 3D volume and cross section modes.

Brochure and Configuration Chart

The buttons below link to PDFs of printable materials and a graphical customization guide for our Telesto® Series PS-OCT Systems.

OCT Systems Brochure

Telesto Series Mind Map

To schedule an in-person or virtual demo appointment, please email

Showroom Icon
Contact Us
Lübeck Demo Room
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Lübeck Demo Room

Try Our OCT Imaging Systems In Person or Virtually

From our OCT facility in Lüebeck, Germany and offices in Virginia, USA; Tokyo, Japan; and Shanghai, China; Thorlabs' application specialists and sales engineers look forward to helping you determine the best OCT system to meet your specific experimental needs. We can provide tailored recommendations and partner with you to obtain images of your samples, demonstrating the impact of the OCT base unit and probe optics on image quality.

Thorlabs' worldwide network allows us to operate demo rooms in a number of locations where you can see our OCT systems in action. We welcome the opportunity to work with you in person or virtually. A demo can be scheduled at any of our showrooms or virtually by contacting

Demo Rooms and Customer Support Sites
(Click Each Location for More Details)

Customer Support Sites
(Click Each Location for More Details)

Posted Comments:
Massimo Olivero  (posted 2023-12-01 11:06:02.987)
Dear Sir, I would like to know whether it is possible to calculate the Mueller matrix layer by layer with the PS-OCT and if this information is directly give by the software. Thank you in advance. M
jweimar  (posted 2023-12-11 03:14:37.0)
Dear Massimo, thank you for your feedback. The software does not calculate the Mueller matrix and will only give the Stokes parameters, the cumulative retardation, optic axis, and DOPU. Please see the "PS-OCT Tutorial" tab for more details.
Sejong Chun  (posted 2020-01-22 21:06:57.037)
I'm Sejong Chun, working at the Fluid Flow Group in KRISS, South Korea. (It is a metrology institute in South Korea.) I would like to just learn whether such an OCT system can measure flow velocity as well as fluid viscosity. 1) flow velocity measurement in a micro channel 2) fluid viscosity measurement in the micro channel with Non-Newtonian fluids (shear thinning and shear thickening fluids) by birefringence. Thank you for your kind comments.
nreusch  (posted 2020-01-28 05:33:58.0)
Dear Sejong Chun, Thank you for your provided feedback. In the following, we will reply on your specific questions: 1.) In fact, our OCT systems are able to measure flow velocities of fluids via the functional Doppler Acquisition Mode that is included within our OCT software application. 2.) The TEL220PSC2 OCT system can visualize birefringent layers, e.g. by determining the phase retardation between two orthogonally polarized states of the back-scattered OCT light. Please do not hesitate to contact us at, if you have any further questions. Best regards, Your Thorlabs OCT Applications Team

Thorlabs offers a variety of OCT Imaging Systems to meet a range of application requirements. The OCT base unit and scan lens kit are key to OCT system performance. Significant performance characteristics, including axial resolution, A-Scan rate, and imaging depth, are entirely or strongly dependent on the design of the OCT base unit. The choice of scan lens kit determines other parameters, such as lateral resolution and field of view. Thorlabs offers a variety of OCT base units and scan lens kits that provide foundations for systems with a wide range of capabilities. The tables below present key performance parameters of our base units and include links to our other OCT imaging system pages. We encourage you to contact us directly at or via our online request form to discuss specific imaging requirements.

Swept Source OCT Base Units

Base Unit Item #a ATR206 ATR220 VEG210 VEG220
Series Name (Click for Link) Atria® Vega™
Key Performance Feature(s) Long Imaging Range High Speed Long Imaging Range
High Resolution General Purpose High Speed
Center Wavelength 1060 nm 1300 nm
Imaging Depthb (Air/Water) 20 mm / 15 mm 6.0 mm / 4.5 mm 11 mm / 8.3 mm 8.0 mm / 6.0 mm
Axial Resolutionb (Air/Water) 11 µm / 8.3 µm 14 µm / 10.6 µm
A-Scan Line Rate 60 kHz 200 kHz 100 kHz 200 kHz
Sensitivity (Max)c 102 dB 97 dB 102 dB 98 dB
  • These Item #s are OCT base units that can be customized using a wide selection of OCT scanners, lens kits, and optional accessories.
  • Axial resolution and actual imaging depth are dependent on the optical properties of the sample being imaged.
  • Values measured for the Atria and Vega systems are typical and were measured using a scanner with a dual path setup.

Spectral Domain OCT Base Units

Base Unit Item #a GAN111 GAN312 GAN612 GAN332 GAN632
Series Name Ganymede™
Key Performance Feature(s) High Resolution High Resolution Very High Resolution
High Speed Very High Speed High Speed Very High Speed
Center Wavelength 880 nm
Imaging Depth(Air/Water) 3.4 mm / 2.5 mm 3.4 mm / 2.5 mm 1.6 mm / 1.2 mm
Axial Resolutionb (Air/Water) 6.0 µm / 4.5 µm 6.0 µm / 4.5 µm <3.0 µm / <2.2 µm
A-Scan Line Rate 1.5 kHz to 20 kHz 1.5 kHz to 80 kHz 5 kHz to 248 kHz 1.5 kHz to 80 kHz 5 kHz to 248 kHz
Sensitivity (Max)c 106 dB 106 dB 102 dB 106 dB 102 dB
  • These Item #s are OCT base units that can be customized using a wide selection of OCT scanners, lens kits, and optional accessories.
  • Axial resolution and actual imaging depth are dependent on the optical properties of the sample being imaged.
  • Values for the Ganymede systems are typical and were measured using a scanner with a common reference/sample path and 50% path split.
Base Unit Item #a TEL221 TEL321 TEL411 TEL511 TEL211PS TEL221PS
Series Name (Click for Link) Telesto® Telesto® PS-OCT
Key Performance Feature(s) High Resolution High Imaging Depth High Imaging Depth High Resolution
General Purpose High Speed General Purpose High Speed Polarization Sensitive-Imaging
Center Wavelength 1300 nm 1315 nm 1325 nm 1300 nm
Imaging Depthb (Air/Water) 3.5 mm / 2.6 mm 6.0 mm / 4.5 mm 7.0 mm / 5.3 mm 3.5 mm / 2.6 mm
Axial Resolutionb (Air/Water) 5.5 µm / 4.2 µm 11.0 µm / 8.3 µm 11.0 µm / 8.3 µm 5.5 µm / 4.2 µm
A-Scan Line Rate 5.5 kHz to 76 kHz 10 kHz to 146 kHz 2.0 kHz to 120 kHz 2.0 kHz to 240 kHz 5.5 kHz to 76 kHz 5.5 kHz to 76 kHz
Sensitivity (Max) 111 dBc 109 dBc 114 dBd 109 dBc
  • These Item #s are OCT base units that can be customized using a wide selection of OCT scanners, lens kits, and optional accessories.
  • Axial resolution and actual imaging depth are dependent on the optical properties of the sample being imaged.
  • Values for the TEL2xx(PS) and TEL3xx(PS) Telesto systems are typical and were measured using a scanner with a common sample/reference path and 50% path split.
  • Values for the TEL411 and TEL511 Telesto systems are typical and were measured using a scanner with a common sample/reference path and 70%/30% path split.
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Telesto® Series Polarization-Sensitive Complete Preconfigured Systems

  • Complete Preconfigured 1300 nm or 1325 nm OCT Systems (See Tables Below)
    • Item # TEL211PSC1(/M): Long-Range Imaging
    • Item # TEL221PSC1(/M): General-Purpose Imaging
  • Customizable Using Other Telesto® Series Components
  • Fully Configurable Trigger for Easy Integration into Larger Experiments
  • Analog Input for Combining Other Data Sources with the OCT Signal
  • Internal Hardware Diagnostics for Improved Troubleshooting

Thorlabs offers two complete, preconfigured Telesto PS-OCT systems, which include a specialized scanner that was exclusively developed for polarization-sensitive OCT imaging. The TEL211PSC1(/M) system has a 1325 nm center wavelength with a large imaging depth. The TEL221PSC1(/M) system features a center wavelength of 1300 nm and is designed for general-purpose imaging applications. Both systems feature a maximum A-Scan rate of 76 kHz.

These Telesto Series preconfigured OCT system configurations are built completely from components sold in sections located lower on this page. Each preconfigured system includes the three OCT system core components (the base unit, a scanning system with its reference length adapter, and a scan lens kit), as well as two optional accessories (scanner stand and translation stage). For more information about a component included in the preconfigured systems, click on the component description in the table to the lower left to navigate down to the related section on this page.

For information about these systems or to inquire about custom configurations, please contact

Preconfigured System Included Componentsa
System Item # TEL211PSC1(/M) TEL221PSC1(/M)
Base Unit TEL211PS TEL221PS
Scanning System OCTG13PS (Standard Scanner)
Scan Lens Kit OCT-LK4 OCT-LK3
Reference Length Adaptor OCT-RA4 OCT-RA3
Scanner Stand and
Translation Stage
Imperial OCT-STAND (Stand) and
OCT-XYR1 (Stage)
Metric OCT-STAND/M (Stand) and
OCT-XYR1/M (Stage)
  • Click on the component description to navigate down to the related section on this page.
Preconfigured System Key Specifications
System Item # TEL211PSC1(/M) TEL221PSC1(/M)
Imaging Depth (Air/Water) 7.0 mm / 5.3 mm 3.5 mm / 2.6 mm
Axial Resolution (Air/Water) 11 µm / 8.3 µm 5.5 µm / 4.2 µm
Lateral Resolution 20 µm 13 µm
A-Scan/Line Rate 5.5 - 76 kHza
Sensitivity (Max)b 109 dB (at 5.5 kHz)
  • Four Discrete A-Scan Rates: 5.5 kHz, 28 kHz, 48 kHz, and 76 kHz
  • Typical Values Measured Using a Scanner with a Common Reference/Sample Path and 50% Path Split
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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Imperial Price Available
TEL211PSC1 Support Documentation
TEL211PSC1Spectral Domain PS-OCT System, 1325 nm, 11 µm Resolution, 5.5 to 76 kHz
Lead Time
TEL221PSC1 Support Documentation
TEL221PSC1Spectral Domain PS-OCT System, 1300 nm, 5.5 µm Resolution, 5.5 to 76 kHz
Lead Time
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
TEL211PSC1/M Support Documentation
TEL211PSC1/MSpectral Domain PS-OCT System, 1325 nm, 11 µm Resolution, 5.5 to 76 kHz, Metric
Lead Time
TEL221PSC1/M Support Documentation
TEL221PSC1/MSpectral Domain PS-OCT System, 1300 nm, 5.5 µm Resolution, 5.5 to 76 kHz, Metric
Lead Time
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OCT Base Units (Required OCT System Component)

Scanning System and Scan Lens Kit Required
To be functional, an OCT system build must include a base unit, a scanning system, and a scan lens kit.
  • 1300 nm or 1325 nm Center Wavelength Options
    • 1300 nm, High Resolution: 3.5 mm Imaging Depth and 5.5 µm Resolution in Air
    • 1325 nm, Long Range: 7.0 mm Imaging Depth and 11 µm Resolution in Air
  • Each Base Unit has Four A-Scan Rates for Flexibility in Imaging Speed and Sensitivity
    • 5.5 kHz to 76 kHz A-Scan Rate; 109 dB Max Sensitivity
  • Fully Configurable Trigger for Easy Integration into Larger Experiments
  • Analog Input for Combining Other Data Sources with the OCT Signal
  • Internal Hardware Diagnostics for Improved Troubleshooting

The imaging performance of any OCT system is largely dependent on the design and components incorporated into the base unit. All of Thorlabs' OCT base units include an OCT engine, high-performance computer, pre-installed software, and a software development kit (SDK).  For a fully operational system, one scanning system and a scan lens kit (both sold separately below) must be purchased along with a base unit.

For the Telesto® Polarization-Sensitive OCT Base Units, the engine is comprised of a superluminescent diode light source, scanning electronics, and a polarization-sensitive detection module (see the PS-OCT Tutorial for more information). These base units are capable of operating at A-Scan rates up to 76 kHz and offers a maximum sensitivity of 109 dB at 5.5 kHz. The engine and detection components are integrated into a 411.8 mm x 325.0 mm x 143.0 mm (16.21" x 12.80" x 5.63") housing. 

For synchronization with other experiments, two analog inputs are included on the base units; this allows other data sources to be combined or overlayed with the OCT signal. The OCT base units also feature a fully configurable trigger that is extensively programmable in our ThorImage®OCT software. The trigger can be operated as either an input, responding to external signals, or an output, generating trigger signals. Trigger signals can be sent at the start of each A-, B-, or volume scan, as well as after an arbitrary number of scans.

Deep-Imaging Base Unit
The TEL211PS Deep-Imaging Base Unit is designed using an SLD1325 superluminescent diode that provides over 100 nm of spectral bandwidth and enables the base unit to achieve a very high 7.0 mm imaging depth with 11 µm of axial imaging resolution in air. For these reasons, this base unit is the ideal choice for long-range imaging of highly-scattering samples in an air medium. 

High-Resolution Base Unit
The TEL221PS High-Resolution Base Unit features Thorlabs' highest resolution OCT imaging capability at 1300 nm. An ideal choice for high-resolution imaging in scattering samples, these base units utilize Thorlabs' unique matched-pair superluminescent diodes for over 170 nm of bandwidth that translates to 5.5 μm axial resolution at an imaging depth of 3.5 mm in air.

Base Unit Item # TEL211PS TEL221PS
Description Long-Range Imaging High-Resolution Imaging
Center Wavelength 1325 nm 1300 nm
Imaging Depth (Air/Water) 7.0 mm / 5.3 mm 3.5 mm / 2.6 mm
Axial Resolution (Air/Water) 11 µm / 8.3 µm 5.5 µm / 4.2 µm
A-Scan Line Rate 5.5, 28, 48, & 76 kHz
Sensitivitya 94 dB (at 76 kHz) to 109 dB (at 5.5 kHz)
Maximum Pixels per A-Scan 1024
Compatible Scanners OCTP-1300PS, OCTP-1300PS/M, OCTG13PS
  • Typical Values Measured Using a Scanner with a Common Reference/Sample Path and 50% Path Split
Computer Specificationsa
Operating System Windows® 11
Processor 8 Core, 3.0 GHz
Memory 64 GB
Hard Drive 512 GB SSD
Data Acquisition Camera Link
  • Computer Specifications Subject to Change
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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
TEL211PS Support Documentation
TEL211PSTelesto PS-OCT Base Unit, 1325 nm, 11 µm Resolution, 5.5 to 76 kHz
Lead Time
TEL221PS Support Documentation
TEL221PSTelesto PS-OCT Base Unit, 1300 nm, 5.5 µm Resolution, 5.5 to 76 kHz
Lead Time
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Scanning System (Required OCT System Component)

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User-Customizable OCT Scanner

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Standard OCT Scanner with Scan Lens Kit and Reference Length Adapter (Not Included)
Scanner Type Item # Compatible
Base Units
Standard Scannera OCTG13PS TEL211PS
PS-OCT User-Customizable
Scanning System and Scan Lens Kit Required
To be functional, an OCT system build must include a base unit, a scanning system, and a scan lens kit.
  • Scan an OCT Light Source Beam Across a Sample to Acquire 2D or 3D Images
  • Two Available Options:
    • Standard Scanner for High Stability and Ease-of-Use
    • User-Customizable Scanner with Open Construction for Customization of Scan Path

OCT scanning systems scan the OCT light source beam across a sample for 2D cross-sectional and 3D volumetric imaging. OCT applications can vary widely, from live animal imaging to industrial materials analysis, with each requiring a different set of scanning parameters. We currently offer two types of beam scanning systems for use with our Telesto® polarization sensitive base units: standard and user-customizable.

Each scanner contains an OCT interferometer with a sample arm and a reference arm. The reference arm of the OCT interferometer is placed near the sample and housed within the scanning system itself to guarantee the phase stability of the sample arm relative to the reference arm. To account for different sample distances and reflectivities (e.g., while imaging through water), the reference arm path length, as well as the reference arm intensity, is user-adjustable. To minimize image distortion caused by dispersion, our OCT systems are designed to optically match the reference and sample arm lengths to the greatest extent possible. Dispersion effects from the sample (e.g., imaging through water or glass) can be compensated for using the included ThorImage OCT software.

The scanner is equipped with an integrated camera that can obtain real-time en face video of the sample during OCT measurements when used with our ThorImage OCT software (see the Software tab for details). Illumination of the sample is provided by a ring of user-adjustable white light LEDs around the exit aperture of each scanner.

The specialized PS-OCT scanners contain two additional quarter-wave plates (compared to the SD-OCT scanners), which are necessary to obtain polarization images. Since the interference of light depends on its polarization state, it is necessary to change the polarization state of the light in the reference arm to be sensitive to all possible polarization states of the light in the sample arm. Hence, one quarter-wave plate is located in the reference arm and a second quarter-wave plate is located in the sample arm to create a polarization state which leads to a maximum contrast in the polarization images. Please see the PS-OCT Tutorial tab for more details.

PS-OCT Standard Scanner
The OCTG13 PS-OCT Standard Scanner is ideal for imaging applications that require a stable, easy-to-operate setup. The entire design of the standard scanner is contained within a rugged, light-tight housing that minimizes the risk of misalignment. For precise measurements and fine adjustments of the reference arm length, a micrometer screw is located at the top of the standard scanner. A reference length adapter, which must be purchased separately, is required for this scanner.

PS-OCT User-Customizable Scanner
The OCTP-1300PS(/M) User-Customizable Scanner is designed with an open construction to enable easy customization of the optical beam path using Thorlabs' standard optomechanical components. This scanner features SM1 (1.035"-40) ports and 4-40 tapped holes at several locations that allow mounting of SM1-threaded or 30 mm cage-compatible components, respectively. The scan lens port is directly compatible with either M25 x 0.75 or SM1-threaded components, and can be converted to other thread standards, such as RMS (0.800"-36) via our selection of thread adapters. Additional scanning and non-scanning optical input/output ports are available for integration of a laser for fluorescence excitation or additional sample illumination.

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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Imperial Price Available
OCTP-1300PS Support Documentation
OCTP-1300PSCustomer Inspired! User-Customizable Scanner for 1300 nm & 1325 nm PS-OCT Systems, Imperial
Lead Time
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
OCTG13PS Support Documentation
OCTG13PSStandard Scanner for 1300 nm & 1325 nm PS-OCT Systems
Lead Time
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
OCTP-1300PS/M Support Documentation
OCTP-1300PS/MCustomer Inspired! User-Customizable Scanner for 1300 nm & 1325 nm PS-OCT Systems, Metric
Lead Time
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Scan Lens Kits (Required OCT System Component)

The cross sectional images of a finger pad, shown below, were taken with a Telesto® Series OCT system fitted with the OCT-LK2 (left) and OCT-LK4 (right) scan lens kits. The selection of available Telesto series components offer significant flexibility in building an OCT system optimized for your application.

OCT-LK4 Deep Imaging
Large Scan Area OCT
Click to Enlarge

Magnification: 3X
Scan Region: 16 mm x 3.5 mm
Lateral Resolution: 20 µm
OCT-LK2 High Resolution
High-Resolution OCT
Click to Enlarge

Magnification: 10X
Scan Region: 6 mm x 3.5 mm
Lateral Resolution: 7 µm
Scanning System and Scan Lens Kit RequiredTo be functional, an OCT system build must include a base unit, a scanning system, and a scan lens kit.
  • Telecentric Scan Lenses Provide Flat Imaging Plane
  • Lens AR Coated for 1315 ± 65 nm
  • Scan Lens Kits Include:
    • Telecentric Scan Lens
    • Illumination Tube
    • IR Card
    • Calibration Target

Thorlabs' Scan Lens Kits enable easy exchange of scan lenses in an OCT system, providing the flexibility to tailor imaging resolution or working distance for each application. Based on our line of OCT telecentric scan lenses, these lens kits minimize image distortion without extensive post-image processing and maximize coupling of the light scattered or emitted from the sample surface into the detection system. As seen in the table below, we offer scan lens kits compatible with the standard (Item # OCTG13PS) and user-customizable (Item # OCTP-1300PS) scanners.

Each kit includes a telecentric scan lens, illumination tube, IR card, and calibration target. The included illumination tube serves as a light guide that channels light from the LED illumination ring down to the sample area. The IR card and calibration target are provided for calibration of the scanning mirror and lens kit, ensuring the best image quality when swapping between scan lenses.

Click Image to Enlarge
Design Wavelength 1315 nm
Compatible Scanner OCTG13PS (Standard) or OCTP-1300PS(/M) (User-Customizable)
Lateral Resolutiona 7 µm 13 µm 20 µm
Effective Focal Length 18 mm 36 mm 54 mm
Working Distance 3.4 mm (with Tube)b
7.5 mm (without Tube)
24.9 mm (with Tube)b
25.1 mm (without Tube)
41.6 mm (with Tube)b
42.3 mm (without Tube)
Field of View 6 mm x 6 mm 10 mm x 10 mm 16 mm x 16 mm
Lens Threading M25 x 0.75 M25 x 0.75 M25 x 0.75
  • 1/e2 Beam Diameter at Focus
  • The illumination tube is user-removable.
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OCT-LK2 Support Documentation
OCT-LK2OCT Scan Lens Kit, 18 mm EFL, 1250 to 1380 nm
Lead Time
OCT-LK3 Support Documentation
OCT-LK3OCT Scan Lens Kit, 36 mm EFL, 1250 to 1380 nm
Lead Time
OCT-LK4 Support Documentation
OCT-LK4OCT Scan Lens Kit, 54 mm EFL, 1250 to 1380 nm
Lead Time
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Reference Length Adapters (Required for Standard Scanners)

Item #a Compatible Scan Lens Kit
  • Multiple reference adapters can be purchased for rapid switching between scan lens kits.
  • Arm Adapters for Matching Reference Path Length to the Sample Path Length
  • Use Multiple Reference Adapters for Rapid Switching Between Scan Lens Kits
  • Must be Purchased with Standard Scanner (Item # OCTG13PS)

These adapters adjust the reference arm path length within the OCTG13PS Standard Scanner to match the sample path length of the scan lens used. Choose from three options that are compatible with the scan lens kits sold above. Reference length adapters also enable the user to quickly swap between different scan lens kits without going through extensive adjustments during each switch. The table to the right provides a compatibility list to help select the appropriate reference adapters.

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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
OCT-RA2 Support Documentation
OCT-RA2Length Adapter for SD-OCT Standard Scanner & OCT-LK2(-BB) Scan Lens Kit
Lead Time
OCT-RA3 Support Documentation
OCT-RA3Length Adapter for SD-OCT Standard Scanner & OCT-LK3(-BB) Scan Lens Kit
Lead Time
OCT-RA4 Support Documentation
OCT-RA4Length Adapter for SD-OCT Standard Scanner & OCT-LK4(-BB) Scan Lens Kit
Lead Time
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Sample Z-Spacers (Optional Accessories)

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Z-Spacers for the OCTP-13300PS(/M) and OCTG13PS Scanners
  • Sample Z-Spacers Position Scanner at Optimal Working Distance From Sample
  • Ring (Air) and Immersion (Liquid) Z-Spacers Available

Thorlabs offers both ring and immersion style sample Z-spacers that enable optimal positioning of a scanning system relative to the sample. The OCT-AIR3, OCT-IMM3, and OCT-IMM4 Z-Spacers feature knurled rings that allow the spacing distance to be adjusted and locked in place for increased stability. Several Z-spacer options are available; please see the table below for compatibility with our scanners and lens kits.

Our ring-style Z-spacers provide a distance guide between the scanner and sample. The sample is in contact with the ring-shaped tip of the spacer and should only be used when air is the scanning medium. In contrast, our immersion spacers are equipped with a glass plate that contacts the sample surface within the scanning area. Unlike the ring-style spacers, immersion spacers enable access to samples contained within a liquid environment while also providing sample stabilization. Better index matching and a tilted glass plate also help reduce strong back reflections from the sample surface and enhances the contrast of the image.

Item # Type Adjustable Adjustment Range Lockable Compatible
Scan Lens Kit
OCT-AIR3 Ring (Air) Yes +3.5 mm / -1.0 mm Yes OCTG13PS
OCT-IMM3 Immersion Yes +3.4 mm / -1.1 mm Yes
OCT-IMM4 Immersion Yes +1.0 mm / -17.0 mm Yes OCT-LK4
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OCT-AIR3 Support Documentation
OCT-AIR3Ring-Style Sample Z-Spacer for OCT-LK3(-BB) Scan Lens Kit
Lead Time
OCT-IMM3 Support Documentation
OCT-IMM3Immersion-Style Sample Z-Spacer for OCT-LK3(-BB) Scan Lens Kit
Lead Time
OCT-IMM4 Support Documentation
OCT-IMM4Immersion-Style Sample Z-Spacer for OCT-LK4(-BB) Scan Lens Kit
Lead Time
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Scanner Stand (Optional Accessory)

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The focus block can be rotated 45° to move the scanner head away from the sample.
  • Recommended Stand for Mounting Standard or User-Customizable Scanners
  • Focus Block with Coarse/Fine Z-Axis Travel on Ø1.5" Stainless Steel Post
  • 12" x 14" (300 mm x 350 mm) Aluminum Breadboard with 1/4"-20 (M6) Tapped Holes

For convenient mounting of our Standard or User-Customizable Scanners, we offer a scanner stand that is ideal for use in vibration-sensitive studies such as angiography. It consists of a post-mounted focus block with knobs that provide both coarse (40 mm/rev) and fine (225 µm/rev) z-axis travel. A rotation and height collar underneath the focus block allows it to rotate 45° in order to move the scanner head away from the sample to make adjustments.

The focus block attaches to a 12" x 14" (300 mm x 350 mm) aluminum breadboard via the included Ø1.5" post. The aluminum breadboard has side grips and rubber feet for easy lifting and transportation. There is an array of 1/4"-20 (M6) tapped holes for mounting optomechanics. Four extra 1/4"-20 (M6) tapped holes allow the mounting of the OCT-XYR1 Translation Stage (sold below) to the OCT-STAND and the OCT-XYR1/M Translation Stage to the OCT-STAND/M directly underneath the scan lens. A 1/4"-20 (M6) counterbore is also provided for securing the Ø1.5" post.

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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Imperial Price Available
OCT-STAND Support Documentation
OCT-STANDStand for Standard and User-Customizable OCT Scanning Systems, 1/4"-20 Tapped Holes
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
OCT-STAND/M Support Documentation
OCT-STAND/MStand for Standard and User-Customizable OCT Scanning Systems, M6 Tapped Holes
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Translation Stage (Optional Accessory)

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The cover plate is removable for access to tapped holes and the SM1-threaded central hole.
Horizontal Load Capacity (Max) 10 lbs (4.5 kg)
Mounting Platform Dimensions Ø4.18" (Ø106 mm)
Stage Height 1.65" (41.8 mm)
Linear Translation Range 1/2" (13 mm)
Travel per Revolution 0.025" (0.5 mm)
Graduation 0.001" (10 µm) per Division
  • Optional Translation Stage with 0.5" (13 mm) of XY Travel and 360° Rotation
  • Includes Cover Plate for Sample Mounting
  • Can Mount Optomechanics by Removing Cover Plate

Precise translation and rotation are often required for optimal positioning of a sample before and during OCT imaging. The OCT-XYR1(/M) is an XY linear translation stage with a rotating platform and solid plate for sample mounting and easy cleaning. The OCT-XYR1 or OCT-XYR1/M stage can be secured to the OCT-STAND or OCT-STAND/M, respectively, using the 1/4" (M6) counterbores at the corners. The top plate is removable for access to 4-40, 8-32 (M4), and 1/4"-20 (M6) tapped holes and an SM1-threaded (1.035"-40) central hole for mounting optomechanical components. The XYR1A Solid Sample Plate can be purchased separately as a direct replacement for the top plate. 

The X and Y micrometers offer 1/2" (13 mm) of travel with graduations every 0.001" (10 µm). The stage's rotation and translation can be freely changed without compromising the stability of attached components. An engraved angular scale along the outer edge of the stage's rotating platform allows the user to set the angular orientation of the stage, which can then be fixed using the 5/64" (2 mm) hex locking setscrew. Locking the rotation of the stage does not prevent XY translation using the actuators. 

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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Imperial Price Available
OCT-XYR1 Support Documentation
OCT-XYR1XY Stage with Solid Top Plate, 1/2" Travel, 360° Rotation, Imperial Taps
Lead Time
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
OCT-XYR1/M Support Documentation
OCT-XYR1/MXY Stage with Solid Top Plate, 13 mm Travel, 360° Rotation, Metric Taps
3 weeks