Mobile Photonics Lab - China

Mobile Photonics Lab - China

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The Mobile Photonics Lab visits the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.
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Visitors viewed a demonstration of piezoelectric applications.
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Inside the tent, Thorlabs employees guided visitors through live demonstrations.
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The Thorlabs Mobile Photonics Lab team celebrating their first event in China.

Mobile Photonics Lab - China

Thorlabs envisions a world where photonics is accessible for all. To achieve this, we are actively developing global educational initiatives to provide awareness, access, and advancement within the photonics community.

In September 2023, we debuted the Mobile Photonics Lab Experience at our Headquarters in Newton, NJ, which continues its journey around the U.S. throughout 2024. This mobile lab visits schools and community events, providing immersive, hands-on photonics learning experiences.

Meanwhile, our efforts have extended internationally to adapt the model to serve students in China. This mobile lab is a pop-up tent with several interactive live demonstrations inside.

The first demonstration took place on May 24, 2024, at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, just 20 km from the Thorlabs office in Shanghai. With this event, we embarked on a journey to deepen our engagement with Chinese communities and to share access to the tools and knowledge necessary to embrace photonics.

If you are in China and are interested in the Thorlabs Mobile Photonics Lab visiting a location near you, please click on the Request a Visit button on the right.

Our mobile labs are about more than reaching destinations; they raise awareness and provide access to the equipment and people needed to generate advancement within the photonics community.

Want to learn more about our related initiatives?

Mobile Lab

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