Free-Space Si Avalanche Photodetectors

  • High-Speed Response Up to 1 GHz
  • Conversion Gains up to 2.65 × 109 V/W
  • Wavelength Range of 200 - 1000 nm or 400 - 1000 nm
  • Temperature-Compensated and Variable-Gain Versions Available


High-Speed APD


Temperature-Compensated APD


Temperature-Compensated APD

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Free-Space Si APD Selection Guide
Item # Wavelength
(3 dB)
Type (Quick Links)
APD130A2(/M) 200 - 1000 nm DC - 50 MHz Temperature Compensated
APD130A(/M) 400 - 1000 nm
APD440A2 200 - 1000 nm DC - 0.1 MHz Variable Gain,
Temperature Compensated
APD410A2(/M) DC - 10 MHz
APD430A2(/M) DC - 400 MHz
APD440A 400 - 1000 nm DC - 0.1 MHz
APD410A(/M) DC - 10 MHz
APD430A(/M) DC - 400 MHz
APD410 200 - 1000 nm 5 - 900 MHz Variable Gain,
Temperature Compensated,
High Speed
APD210 400 - 1000 nm 5 - 1000 MHz
APD Temperature Stability
Click to Enlarge

The above plot shows the M factor stability of our temperature-compensated avalanche photodetectors. The blue shaded region indicates the temperature range over which the M factor stability is guaranteed to within ±3%.


  • Noise Equivalent Powers (NEP) as Low as 2.5 fW/√Hz
  • Max Bandwidth Up to 1 GHz at 3 dB
  • Temperature-Compensated Versions Provide M Factor Stability of ≤±3% Over 18 to 28 °C
  • Variable Gain Detectors Available: M Factor from 5 to 50 or 10 to 100
  • Free-Space Optical Input with Internal SM05 and External SM1 Threading for Lens Tubes
  • Power Supply Included

Thorlabs' Free-Space Silicon Avalanche Photodetectors (APD) are designed to offer increased sensitivity and lower noise compared to standard PIN detectors, making them ideal for applications with low optical power levels. In addition to our standard APDs, versions featuring variable gain (i.e., M factor) and/or temperature compensation are offered.

In general, avalanche photodiodes use an internal gain mechanism to increase sensitivity. A high reverse bias voltage is applied to the diodes to create a strong electric field. When an incident photon generates an electron-hole pair, the electric field accelerates the electrons, leading to the production of secondary electrons by impact ionization. The resulting electron avalanche can produce a gain factor of several hundred times, described by a multiplication factor, M, that is a function of both the reverse bias voltage and temperature. In general, the M factor increases with lower temperatures and decreases with higher temperatures. Similarly, the M factor will increase when the reverse bias voltage is raised and decrease when the reverse bias voltage is lowered.

Our APD130A2(/M) and APD130A(/M) temperature-compensated APDs feature integrated thermistors that adjust the bias voltage to compensate for the effect of temperature changes on the M factor. A comparison with our non-temperature-compensated APDs is provided in the graph to the right.

In addition to being temperature compensated, our variable-gain APD400 series detectors allow the reverse bias voltage across the diodes to be adjusted via a rotary knob on the side of the housing, which varies the M factor from 5 to 50 or 10 to 100.

Thorlabs offers Menlo Systems' APD410 and APD210 Variable-Gain Avalanche Photodetectors, which offer high-speed responses up to 900 MHz or 1 GHz at 3 dB, respectively. Additionally, we offer spectral-flattening filters that are designed to improve the response uniformity of our silicon photodiodes and detectors; click here to learn more.

A complete list of all of our APDs can be found on the Selection Guide tab. Please note that our Single Photon Detectors are the only avalanche photodetectors suitable for single photon counting.

Avalanche Photodiode Selection Guidea
Free-Space Si APDs
Fiber-Coupled Si APDs
Free-Space InGaAs APDs
Fiber-Coupled InGaAs APDs
  • Please see the Selection Guide tab for a complete list of all of our avalanche photodetectors.

Click on the yellow boxes below to view specifications for each type of photodetector.

BNC Female Output (Photodetector)

BNC Female

APD Male (Power Cables)

Pinout for PDA Power Cable

APD Female (Photodetector)

Pinout for PDA Power Connector

Components for Fiber Couplinga
Item # Description
- Free-Space Avalanche Photodetector
LM1XY(/M) Translating Lens Mount for Ø1" Optics
SM1L10 SM1 (1.035"-40) Lens Tube, 1" Long
- Fiber Collimator
(Dependent on Fiber)
AD11F or AD12F SM1-Threaded Adapters for Ø11 or Ø12 mm Fiber Collimators
(Dependent on Collimator)
- Mounted Molded Aspheric Lens
(Dependent on Collimator)
S1TM06, S1TM08,
S1TM09, S1TM10,
or S1TM12
SM1-Threaded Adapter for Molded Aspheric Lens Cell
(Dependent on Lens)
Fiber Coupled Photodetector
Click to Enlarge

Output from a fiber is coupled into the photodetector using an aspheric lens to focus the signal onto the detector active area.

Fiber Coupling to Free-Space APDs

A fiber coupling mechanism can be constructed for our free-space APDs using standard optomechanics. In fiber coupling applications, we recommend taking into account the divergence of light from the fiber tip to ensure that all of the signal is focused onto the detector active area. When using a standard fiber connector adapter with a detector with an active area smaller than Ø1 mm, high coupling losses and degradation of the frequency response may occur.

To achieve high coupling efficiency, a fiber collimation package, focusing lens, and X-Y translator should be used, as shown in the photo to the right. The avalanche photodetector is shown with a fiber collimator, lens tube collimator adapter, lens tube, and X-Y translation mount. An adapter inside the lens tube holds an aspheric lens (not visible) to focus the collimated light onto the active area of the detector. The X-Y translation mount corrects for any centering issues.

Please note that Thorlabs also offers the APD431A fiber-coupled Si photodetector, which features an M12 x 0.15-threaded flange that is directly compatible with our M12 x 0.5-threaded fiber connector adapters. This compact and robust mechanism allows for easy fiber coupling with high reproducibility. The M12 x 0.5-threaded flange can be added to any of Thorlabs' Avalanche Photodetectors to provide robust fiber-coupling capabilities. Please contact Tech Support for more information.

Pulsed Laser Emission: Power and Energy Calculations

Determining whether emission from a pulsed laser is compatible with a device or application can require referencing parameters that are not supplied by the laser's manufacturer. When this is the case, the necessary parameters can typically be calculated from the available information. Calculating peak pulse power, average power, pulse energy, and related parameters can be necessary to achieve desired outcomes including:

  • Protecting biological samples from harm.
  • Measuring the pulsed laser emission without damaging photodetectors and other sensors.
  • Exciting fluorescence and non-linear effects in materials.

Pulsed laser radiation parameters are illustrated in Figure 1 and described in the table. For quick reference, a list of equations is provided below. The document available for download provides this information, as well as an introduction to pulsed laser emission, an overview of relationships among the different parameters, and guidance for applying the calculations. 



Period and repetition rate are reciprocal:    and 
Pulse energy calculated from average power:       
Average power calculated from pulse energy:        
Peak pulse power estimated from pulse energy:            

Peak power and average power calculated from each other:
Peak power calculated from average power and duty cycle*:
*Duty cycle () is the fraction of time during which there is laser pulse emission.
Pulsed Laser Emission Parameters
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Parameters used to describe pulsed laser emission are indicated in the plot (above) and described in the table (below). Pulse energy (E) is the shaded area under the pulse curve. Pulse energy is, equivalently, the area of the diagonally hashed region. 

Parameter Symbol Units Description
Pulse Energy E Joules [J] A measure of one pulse's total emission, which is the only light emitted by the laser over the entire period. The pulse energy equals the shaded area, which is equivalent to the area covered by diagonal hash marks.
Period Δt  Seconds [s]  The amount of time between the start of one pulse and the start of the next.
Average Power Pavg Watts [W] The height on the optical power axis, if the energy emitted by the pulse were uniformly spread over the entire period.
Instantaneous Power P Watts [W] The optical power at a single, specific point in time.
Peak Power Ppeak Watts [W] The maximum instantaneous optical power output by the laser.
Pulse Width Seconds [s] A measure of the time between the beginning and end of the pulse, typically based on the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the pulse shape. Also called pulse duration.
Repetition Rate frep Hertz [Hz] The frequency with which pulses are emitted. Equal to the reciprocal of the period.

Example Calculation:

Is it safe to use a detector with a specified maximum peak optical input power of 75 mW to measure the following pulsed laser emission?

  • Average Power: 1 mW
  • Repetition Rate: 85 MHz
  • Pulse Width: 10 fs

The energy per pulse:

seems low, but the peak pulse power is:

It is not safe to use the detector to measure this pulsed laser emission, since the peak power of the pulses is >5 orders of magnitude higher than the detector's maximum peak optical input power.

Posted Comments:
Gerald Auböck  (posted 2024-02-23 08:07:42.433)
Hi, do you by chance have data on the linearity of your APD130A (except for the saturation power). Maybe dependent on gain setting. Thanks, Gerald
hkarpenko  (posted 2024-02-23 10:55:57.0)
Dear Gerald, thank you for your feedback. These detectors are very linear up to the saturation power. I will have to check with our development team, whether we can share test data for these. I will contact you directly to discuss this topic further with you.
Gerald Auböck  (posted 2024-02-23 08:06:49.84)
Hi, do you by chance have data on the linearity of your APD130A (except for the saturation power). Maybe dependent on gain setting. Thanks, Gerald
dpossin  (posted 2024-02-27 04:12:21.0)
Dear Gerald, Thank you for your feedback. In general our photodiode based sensors provide a linearity of around 0.1% but the overall linearty will be limited by the temperature compensation which is in between 3 and 5%.
Jay Lin  (posted 2023-11-29 11:29:44.647)
These APD only need 12V bias to work? Isn't APD suppose to have a High Voltage supply?
hkarpenko  (posted 2023-11-29 11:45:58.0)
Dear Jay, thank you very much for your feedback. You are correct, that inside the APD there will built up a high bias voltage to induce the avalanche effect. However this high voltage is generated due to the circuitry of the APD and not needed to be generated externally by a high voltage power supply.
user  (posted 2022-12-30 14:23:03.053)
I have purchased lens assembly for fiber coupling for APD430A2. The collimator F240FC-A and aspheric lens A280TM-A. I believe the one thread end of aspheric lens mount S1TM09 has to be mounted on the APD's thread and LM1XY on the other end of the thread. The lens tube can be mounted on the LMXY's other end. Further collimator mount on the other end of lens tube. Can you confirm the above placement of these lenses? The description in site says that aspheric lens is inside lens tube. Because S1TM09 is a thread to thread adapter, it cannot be inside the lens tube.
fmortaheb  (posted 2023-01-02 08:14:12.0)
Thank you very much for contacting Thorlabs. You can use the S1TM09 to mount the lens inside the lens tube. The SM1 thread on the S1TM09 is matching with the internal SM1 thread of the lens tube. I will contact you directly to discuss your application further.
Eric Miller  (posted 2022-12-01 19:02:33.64)
I'm using the UV-enhanced APD430A2. Do you have any advice on long-term UV operation with this APD close to the CW saturation limit? We've observed a 20x decrease in responsivity after several hundred hours operation at 250nm . Our tests on a unused replacement with a 8uW CW beam showed a decrease in responsivity of 0.5% per minute. Also can you clarify how the saturation power depends on wavelength at 250nm? We thought it should be higher than 8uW based on the lower responsivity at that wavelength. Thanks!
hkarpenko  (posted 2022-12-02 09:10:13.0)
Dear Eric, thank you very much for your feedback. Unfortunately we have not measured the degradation for this wavelength specifically. The saturation power can be estimated using the formula described in the manual on p.7. I will reach out to you directly to discuss this case further.
user  (posted 2022-10-24 14:21:26.803)
I am an Indian user. I have bought APD 440A and 430A2 recently. European power cable is provided. Do you recommend using an UK to Indian adapter or an Indian power cable of same rating (250V , 16A) ?
hchow  (posted 2022-10-25 06:04:46.0)
Dear User, thank you for your enquiry. I believe what you are looking for is "India type D to C13" power cord. I will reach out to you privately for more information.
hchow  (posted 2022-10-25 08:32:21.0)
Thank you and have a nice day!
user  (posted 2022-06-23 09:53:40.53)
Hi, I am wondering about the time response (rise and fall time) of the APD430A and APD430A2 (400MHz bandwidth) models and the two Menlo APD410 and APD210 (1GHz) models. I want to perform time resolved fluorescence with expected lifetimes of several nanosecond or longer. What is the minimum decay time you can measure with those models? The APD410 and APD210 should have better rise/fall time, but the time response curves to fs pulse contain some ripples (see the menlo datasheet). What about the APD430A and _A2? Can you provide their response curve to ps or ns pulse? Also, do you recommend those SiAPD or PMT for measuring fluorescence decay curves with nanosecond lifetimes?
dpossin  (posted 2022-07-01 07:35:33.0)
Dear Felice, Thank you for your feedback. I reach out to you in order to provide information about that.
user  (posted 2022-05-02 15:49:02.99)
I am planning to buy APD440A and a fiber connector adapter S120-FC2 which can connect to FC/PC 2mm narrow key end of a multimode fiber of core/clad as 200/220um. Is the power supply included with detector? Is there any other holding or mounting/screws options I need to buy with this?? I am doing a fiber-based experimental setup. Please suggest. I am also planning to buy APD430A2 which has a smaller active area. Can you suggest a compatible fiber collimator, lens tube collimator adapter, lens tube, and X-Y translation mount ?
wskopalik  (posted 2022-05-05 08:49:11.0)
Thank you very much for your feedback! I will contact you directly to provide assistance with the selection of the necessary components.
yiming zang  (posted 2022-04-26 21:12:08.243)
I want to know the sampling rate of the APD130A2/M. Thanks!
Jean Matias  (posted 2022-04-22 09:14:19.923)
Hi, I was wondering if you could send me the data for the APDs responsivity used to make the plots available here on the website. Best, Jean Matias
mdiekmann  (posted 2022-04-25 06:30:05.0)
Thank you for reaching out! We will contact you directly to share the requested data.
Chen Kuo  (posted 2021-03-12 16:02:12.41)
Dear manager, Can you send me the relevant materials of APD120A/M? Because I am very interested in this equipment, I need to check the materials and experimental equipment that can be used for research. Thank you.
soswald  (posted 2021-03-18 04:02:49.0)
Dear Chen Kuo, thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately the exact parts list of the APD120A/M is proprietary information, but I have reached out to you directly to evaluate which information you need and what we can provide.
Peter Meinhold  (posted 2020-12-22 00:31:31.11)
We're using these APDs in our OEM instrument prototype, but we really want to be able to control the transimpedance gain electronically- is there any product that allows that, with similar NEP to the APD440A2?
dpossin  (posted 2020-12-22 04:38:21.0)
Dear Peter, Thank you for your feedback. I am reaching out to your in oder to discuss opportunities.
Thomas Price  (posted 2020-10-19 19:22:58.53)
I'm using the APD410A detector and have a question on the noise floor. According to the spec sheet, the integrated noise is 130 pW based on the NEP from DC-10MHz. When I use the detector, I'm seeing a noise floor of 4.88 nW at rougly 20MHz. Do I need additional electrical filtering to attain the noise levels quoted in the specifications?
MKiess  (posted 2020-10-22 06:42:55.0)
Dear Thomas, thank you very much for your inquiry. The listed NEP value is only valid for the specified frequency range. The measurement bandwidth must be less than or equal to that frequency range. If the measurement bandwidth exceeds that range,the NEP needs to be adjusted. However, this will increase the NEP significantly. Furthermore the NEP value depends on the wavelength. The NEP value given in the Specs is the minimum NEP. Therefore the value has to be adjusted when using another wavelength. For more information on how NEP is calculated, please see Thorlabs' Noise Equivalent Power White Paper, which can be found using the follwoing link: I have contacted you directly to discuss further details with you.
Peter Meinhold  (posted 2020-10-05 01:40:22.59)
Hi, I'm coupling light from a 105 micron, 0.1 NA fiber to an APD440A, currently with no additional optics. I have 3 questions: first do I need to add collimation, focusing and XY adjustment for such a combination? Second, if I do, is F950FC-A followed by C240TMD-A a reasonable pair to achieve good coupling to the detector? Third, does either answer change if the fiber is 105 micron 0.22 NA? Thanks!
MKiess  (posted 2020-10-08 09:29:13.0)
Dear Peter, thank you very much for your inquiry. For fiber coupled applications I do not recommend the use of fiber connection adapters like the S120-FC, due to the small sensor area. This could cause high coupling losses and a degradation of the frequency response. To achieve high coupling efficiency, I recommend using a fiber collimation package, a focusing lens and an X-Y translator. I have contacted you directly to discuss further details.
Yi Zheng  (posted 2020-04-04 18:04:01.96)
Hi, I am wondering what is the minimum power this PD can measure. I want to measure CW power, should the minimum power be 0.21pW or 1.2nW according to the manual Thanks. Best, Yi
nreusch  (posted 2020-04-06 10:32:34.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Dear Yi, thank you for your feedback. The specification you need to take into account is the bandwidth-dependent (BW) Noise Equivalent Power (NEP), which is 0.21 pW/(Hz)^0.5 for APD130A2/M and DC-50 MHz. This value allows you to calculate the minimum detectable power P_min = NEP (lambda) * (BW)^0.5. If you do not use an additional electrical filter to further decrease the NEP value, the minimum detectable power equals 1.48 nW. Our photodiode tutorial and the dedicated white paper provides a more detailed explanation:
Mintae Chung  (posted 2019-11-24 13:11:06.53)
Hello, I have a question on the main difference between these APD Photodetectors and Silicon Photodiode (S121C). It's perhaps a silly question. But, It would be important to me. I've already got 'S121C' silicon photodiode type head just in case. Best, Mintae
wskopalik  (posted 2019-11-26 03:52:16.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your question! The main difference between these APD photodetectors and the Si photodiode sensors (such as the S121C) is the way they are operated. In the APD photodetectors a high reverse bias voltage is applied to the diodes to create a strong electric field. When an incident photon generates an electron-hole pair, the electric field accelerates the electrons, leading to the production of secondary electrons by impact ionization. The resulting electron avalanche can produce a gain factor of several hundred times, which makes APD photodetectors sensitive for low power levels. In the S121C sensor which is normally used with one of our power meters, the photodiode is operated without any bias and the current generated by incident light is measured directly. This makes it less sensitive, but also suitable for higher power levels. It depends on the power levels and on the other requirements of your application which type of detector or sensor is more suitable. I will contact you directly to provide further assistance.
User  (posted 2019-03-12 04:11:25.293)
It seems that the quantum efficiency of your UV-enhanced Silicon APD at 300nm is 62% (computed with a Responsivity value of 0.15A/W, read on your responsivity graph). Could you explain this difference if we compare with your other Silicon detectors that show a quantum efficiency around 20% at 300nm? (As we expect from Silicon material at this wavelength) Thank you for your answer.
nreusch  (posted 2019-03-21 06:19:36.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The APD430A2 and APD410A2 come with a UV enhanced photodiode. The material of such photodiodes differs from the composition of other Si photodiodes, which shifts the peak responsivity to lower values.
Lint  (posted 2019-01-26 16:41:38.57)
Hello, we are looking for this product APD120A for a customer project and we would like to enquire the price for this product in a MOQ of 50pcs, 100pcs, 200pcs and 300pcs. Pls let us have the quote ASAP. Thank you.
YLohia  (posted 2019-04-04 09:18:05.0)
Hello, thank you for your interest in our products. For OEM inquiries, we can be reached at We have been in direct contact with you regarding this matter.
minowa  (posted 2018-09-24 23:09:10.45)
Hi, I'm wondering about the noise level of the APD210. On the manual and the web, the noise value 0.40 pW/√Hz is given as "NEP (calculated)" or "minimum NEP". I'd like to know the typical and maxmum NEP values, if possible. Furthermore, how did you calculate the NEP? Based on the Dark State Noise Level = -80dbm, a rough estimation of the NEP seems to be ~ sqrt(1mW*10^-8 * 50 ohm)/(2.5*10^5 V/W) /sqrt(1 GHz) ~ 2.8 fW/√hz. Am I missing some basic fact?
nreusch  (posted 2018-09-28 10:47:13.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Thank you for your inquiry. The NEP for APD210 from Menlo Systems is calculated as follows: NEP=I_rtot/(S*B^0.5) with I_rtot=(I_rin^2+I_tot^2)^0.5. In this calculation I_rin=1.2*10^-11 A is the noise current at the amplifier input caused by the amplifier chain. I_tot=6.95*10^-14 A is the noise current at the amplifier input caused by the diode. S is the responsivity of the diode, which is 50 A/W in this case and B is the bandwidth of the detector. The result is NEP=0.24 pW/Hz^0.5. As the NEP is a function of responsivity, this value is valid for the peak responsivity value 50 A/W at 800 nm. I will contact you directly to discuss whether this detector is suitable for your application.
r.ebrahimifard  (posted 2018-04-20 17:25:31.36)
Dear Madam/Sir What is the diiference between the sensitivity of APD and Single Photon Counters of thorlabs? Do Single Photon Counters use the same Si APD? For a cytometry system, can I use APD instead of Single Photon Counters as APDs are also very sensitive?
mvonsivers  (posted 2018-05-17 10:30:54.0)
This is a response from Moritz at Thorlabs. Thank you for your inquiry. Our Single Photon Counter Modules are operated in Geiger Mode to have the ability to detect single photons. In contrast our Si APDs are operated below the breakdown voltage and are not suitable as single photon counters. I will contact you directly to further discuss your application.
mccrady  (posted 2018-04-19 15:08:56.687)
Are the power supplies for the APD120A2 UL listed?
swick  (posted 2018-04-27 03:42:56.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. Yes, the power supply LDS12B is UL and CE Compliant.
iain.cowie  (posted 2018-03-12 12:13:25.913)
Powersupply - can I run the ADP410A/M off a 12VDC battery?
swick  (posted 2018-03-19 06:43:53.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. It will not work to use a battery as power supply for our APD detectors. These detectors require three voltage levels: +12V , GND and -12V.
shin  (posted 2017-07-27 18:11:18.41)
Hi, I am wondering about the rise and fall time of the APD130A2 model. I want to use it for measuring fluorescence (of weak intensity) decay curves in which a decay time is several nanosecond or longer. What is the minimum decay time you can gurantee with the model? Second, could you recommend (highly sensitive) APD or PMT for measuring fluorescence decay curves with nanosecond lifetimes? Thank you very much for your help. Best, Taeho
swick  (posted 2017-07-28 03:12:39.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The rise/fall time of APD130A2 can be calculated from specified bandwidth. t_rise = 0.34/Bandwidth = 7ns I have contacted you directly to provide further assistance.
Benjamin.Stuhlmann  (posted 2016-12-09 14:00:49.267)
Hello, we use this APD as detector for a fluorescence experiment inside a vacuum chamber. When we first contacted tech support it was unclear if the diode could withstand our vacuum conditions since this question was unpresedented at the time. We tested it in our setup at pressures down to 10^-5 mbar for some months now and it is working just fine. By locating the detector as near at our molecular beam as possible, we improved our S/N ratio and simplified the adjustment of all components compared to the old experiment where the detector was outside the vacuum chamber. If you are interested, I could send you some notes about our setup for further reference.
swick  (posted 2016-12-12 03:11:46.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for the feedback. We are always interested and appreciate that kind of information and feedback. I have contacted you directly.
rajendhar.j2008  (posted 2016-09-28 18:12:37.377)
We need the rising time of the detector
swick  (posted 2016-09-29 05:27:54.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The rise time of APD120A2/M can be calculated from specified bandwidth via: rise_time = 0.3497 / bandwidth For APD120A2/M the rise time is 7ns.
cmrogers  (posted 2016-02-09 18:56:07.087)
How thick is the window on the detector for APD410A?
shallwig  (posted 2016-02-10 08:38:00.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry unfortunately we have no spec for the thickness of the detectors window. I will contact you directly to check if you have any further questions.
moritz.wiesbauer  (posted 2014-05-08 14:39:01.4)
Hello, I purchased the APD120A/M recently and read in the manual the temperature dependancy of the APD. It says I should contact Thorlabs for further information about the decreasing M-factor with increasing temperature. How big is the decrease if the temperature is at 27°C or even up to 30°C? I'm very thankful for any further information on this topic. Best regards, Moritz Wiesbauer Institute of Applied Physics Johannes Kepler Universität Linz E-Mail:
shallwig  (posted 2014-05-12 09:32:36.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. I will send you a curve showing the temperature dependency of the M factor and would like to discuss your application in detail directly.

Avalanche Photodetector Selection Guide

Item # Detector
3 dB Bandwidth Active Area
M Factor Typical Max
Conversion Gaina
APD440A2 UV Enhanced
Silicon APD
200 - 1000 nm DC - 0.1 MHz 1 mm 5 - 50 25 A/W @ 600 nm (M = 50) 1.25 x 109 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD410A2 DC - 10 MHz 0.5 mm 5 - 50 25 A/W @ 600 nm (M = 50) 12.5 x 106 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD130A2 DC - 50 MHz 1 mm 50 25 A/W @ 600 nm (M = 50) 2.5 x 106 V/W - Yes! -
APD430A2 DC - 400 MHz 0.2 mm 10 - 100 50 A/W @ 600 nm (M = 100) 5.0 x 105 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD410 5 - 900 MHzc 0.2 mm 50 22 A/W @ 650 nm (M = 50) 4.5 x 104 V/Wd Yes! Yes! -
APD440A Silicon APD 400 - 1000 nm DC - 0.1 MHz 1 mm 10 - 100 53 A/W @ 800 nm (M = 100) 2.65 x 109 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD410A DC - 10 MHz 1.0 mm 10 - 100 53 A/W @ 800 nm (M=100) 26.5 x 106 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD130A DC - 50 MHz 1 mm 50 25 A/W @ 800 nm (M = 50) 2.5 x 106 V/W - Yes! -
APD430A DC - 400 MHz 0.5 mm 10 - 100 53 A/W @ 800 nm (M = 100) 5.3 x 105 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD431A DC - 400 MHze 0.5 mm 10 - 100 53 A/W @ 800 nm (M = 100) 5.3 x 105 V/W Yes! Yes! Yes!
APD210 5 - 1000 MHzc 0.5 mm 100 50 A/W @ 800 nm (M = 100) 2.5 x 105 V/Wf Yes! Yes! -
APD130C InGaAs APD 900 - 1700 nm DC - 50 MHz 0.2 mm 10 9 A/W @ 1500 nm (M = 10) 0.9 x 106 V/W - Yes! -
APD410C DC - 10 MHz 0.2 mm 4 - 20 18 A/W @ 1550 nm (M = 20) 9.0 x 106 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD430C DC - 400 MHz 0.2 mm 4 - 20 18 A/W @ 1550 nm (M = 20) 1.8 x 105 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD431C DC - 400 MHze 0.2 mm 4 - 20 18 A/W @ 1550 nm (M = 20) 1.8 x 105 V/W Yes! Yes! Yes!
APD450C 1260 - 1620 nm 0.3 - 1600 MHz 1.5 mmg 2 - 10 9 A/W @ 1550 nm (M = 10) 45 × 103 V/W Yes! Yes! -
APD310 850 - 1650 nm 5 - 1000 MHzc 0.04 mm 30 0.9 A/W @ 1550 nm (M = 30) 2.5 x 104 V/Wh Yes! Yes! -
  • At Peak Responsivity Wavelength Unless Otherwise Stated
  • Fiber-coupled APDs have an external M12 x 0.5-threaded flange that is directly compatible with our APD fiber connector adapters. This M12 x 0.5-threaded flange can be added to any of Thorlabs' Avalanche Photodetectors. Please contact Tech Support for more information.
  • The max frequency range is 1 MHz - 1600 MHz.
  • At 1 GHz and 650 nm
  • At Maximum Gain Setting
  • At 1 GHz and 800 nm
  • 75 µm Detector with Ø1.5 mm Ball Lens
  • At 1 GHz and 1500 nm
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Temperature-Compensated Si Avalanche Photodetectors

Key Specificationsa
Item # APD130A2(/M) APD130A(/M)
Detector Type UV-Enhanced
Silicon APD
Silicon APD
Wavelength Range 200 - 1000 nm 400 - 1000 nm
Output Bandwidth (3 dB) DC - 50 MHz
Active Area Diameter 1 mm
Typical Max Responsivity (M = 50) 25 A/W @ 600 nm 25 A/W @ 800 nm
Responsivity Graph
(Click to View)
Transimpedance Gain 50 kV/A (50 Ω Termination)
100 kV/A (High-Z Termination)
Max Conversion Gainb 2.5 × 106 V/W
M Factor 50
M Factor Temperature Stabilitya ±2% (Typical); ±3% (Max)
Saturation Power (CW) 1.5 µW
Minimum NEP (DC - 50 MHz)b 0.21 pW/√Hz 0.20 pW/√Hz
Dimensions (H x W x D) 2.97" x 2.00" x 1.08"
  • For a complete list of specifications and responsivity graphs, please see the Specs tab above. Data are valid at 23 ± 5 °C and 45% ± 15% relative humidity (non-condensing).
  • At the Peak Responsivity Wavelength. For more information on how NEP is calculated, please see Thorlabs' Noise Equivalent Power White Paper.
  • Temperature Compensated to Provide M Factor Stability of ≤±3% Over 18 to 28 °C
  • Internal SM05 and External SM1 Threads Accept Most Fiber Adapters, Lens Tubes, and Other Components
  • Power Supply Included

Thorlabs' APD130A2(/M) and APD130A(/M) Free-Space Avalanche Photodetectors feature an integrated thermistor that maintains an M factor stability of ±3% or better over 23 ± 5 °C by adjusting the bias voltage across the avalanche photodiode, supplying improved output stability in environments with temperature variations.

The orientation of the mechanical and electrical connections, combined with the compact design, ensures that these detectors can fit into tight spaces. Three 8-32 (M4) mounting holes, one on each edge of the housing, further ensure easy integration into complicated mechanical setups. The housing also provides compatibility with both our SM05- and SM1-Series Lens Tubes. An internally SM1-threaded cap is included.

Our SM1-threaded fiber adapters are compatible with these detectors. The internally SM1-threaded adapters can be mated directly to the housing, and are available below. To use our externally SM1-threaded fiber adapters, an internally SM1-threaded lens tube will be required to mate the fiber adapter to the detector's housing. The externally SM05-threaded fiber adapters are not compatible with these detectors.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Imperial Price Available
APD130A2 Support Documentation
APD130A2Si Avalanche Photodetector, Temperature Compensated, UV Enhanced, 200 - 1000 nm, 8-32 Taps
3 weeks
APD130A Support Documentation
APD130ASi Avalanche Photodetector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, 8-32 Taps
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
APD130A2/M Support Documentation
APD130A2/MSi Avalanche Photodetector, Temperature Compensated, UV Enhanced, 200 - 1000 nm, M4 Taps
3 weeks
APD130A/M Support Documentation
APD130A/MSi Avalanche Photodetector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, M4 Taps
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Variable-Gain, Temperature-Compensated Si Avalanche Photodetectors

Avalanche Photodetector
Click to Enlarge

The M Factor is controlled by a knob on the side of the APD.
  • Continuously Variable Gain
  • Temperature Compensated to Provide M Factor Stability of ≤±3% Over 18 to 28 °C
  • Internal SM05 and External SM1 Threads Accept Most Fiber Adapters, Lens Tubes, and Other Components
  • Power Supply Included

These Free-Space Avalanche Photodetectors feature a variable gain that can be controlled by a knob on the right side of the housing. Like the APD130A detectors above, these devices feature an integrated thermistor that maintains an M factor stability of ±3% or better over 23 ± 5 °C by adjusting the bias voltage across the avalanche photodiode. Compared to the standard and temperature-controlled APDs above, the APD430A2 and APD430A detectors also offer a larger usable bandwidth of DC to 400 MHz. The APD410A2 and APD410A detectors offer a slightly smaller usable bandwidth (DC to 10 MHz), but with higher sensitivity. The APD440A2 and APD440A detectors offer high transimpedance gain with a lower max bandwidth of 100 kHz.

The orientation of the mechanical and electrical connections, combined with the compact design, ensures that these detectors can fit into tight spaces. Three 8-32 (M4) mounting holes, one on each edge of the housing, further ensure easy integration into complicated mechanical setups. The housing also provides compatibility with both our SM05- and SM1-Series Lens Tubes. An internally SM1-threaded cap is included.

Fiber Coupling Note:
A fiber coupling mechanism can be constructed for our free-space APDs using standard optomechanics. For fiber-coupled applications, we do not recommend using fiber connector adapters such as Thorlabs' S120-FC with the APD410A2(/M), APD430A2(/M), and APD430A detectors due to the small size of the sensors. High coupling losses and degradation of the frequency response may occur. To achieve high coupling efficiency, a fiber collimation package, focusing lens, and X-Y translator should be used. See the Fiber Coupling tab for details.

Please note that Thorlabs also offers the APD431A fiber-coupled Si photodetector, which features an M12 x 0.15-threaded flange that is directly compatible with our M12 x 0.5-threaded fiber connector adapters. This compact and robust mechanism allows for easy fiber coupling with high reproducibility. The M12 x 0.5-threaded flange can be added to any of Thorlabs' Avalanche Photodetectors to provide robust fiber-coupling capabilities. Please contact Tech Support for more information.

Key Specificationsa
Item # APD440A2 APD410A2(/M) APD430A2(/M) APD440A APD410A(/M) APD430A(/M)
Detector Type UV-Enhanced Silicon APD Silicon APD
Wavelength Range 200 - 1000 nm 400 - 1000 nm
Output Bandwidth (3 dB)b DC - 100 kHz DC - 10 MHz DC - 400 MHz DC - 100 kHz DC - 10 MHz DC - 400 MHz
Active Area Diameter 1.0 mm 0.5 mm 0.2 mm 1.0 mm 1.0 mm 0.5 mm
Typical Max Responsivity 25 A/W @ M = 50c 25 A/W @ M = 50c 50 A/W @ M = 100c 53 A/W @ M = 100d
Responsivity Graph
(Click to View)
Transimpedance Gain 25 MV/A (50 Ω)
50 MV/A (High-Z)
250 kV/A (50 Ω)
500 kV/A (High-Z)
5 kV/A (50 Ω)
10 kV/A (High-Z)
25 MV/A (50 Ω)
50 MV/A (High-Z)
250 kV/A (50 Ω)
500 kV/A (High-Z)
5 kV/A (50 Ω)
10 kV/A (High-Z)
Max Conversion Gaine 1.25 × 109 V/W 12.4 × 106 V/W 5.0 × 105 V/W 2.65 × 109 V/W 26.5 × 106 V/W 5.3 × 105 V/W
M Factor Adjustment Range 5 - 50 (Continuous) 10 - 100 (Continuous)
M Factor Temperature Stabilityf ±2% (Typical); ±3% (Max)
Saturation Power (CW) 3.28 nW @ M = 50c
32.8 nW @ M = 5
0.32 µW @ M = 50c
3.20 µW @ M = 5
8.0 µW @ M = 100c
80 µW @ M = 10
1.54 nW @ M = 100d
15.4 nW @ M = 10
0.15 µW @ M = 100d
1.50 µW @ M = 10
8.0 µW @ M = 100d
80 µW @ M = 10
Minimum NEPg 2.5 fW/√Hz 0.09 pW/√Hz 0.15 pW/√Hz 3.5 fW/√Hz 0.04 pW/√Hz 0.14 pW/√Hz
Dimensions (H x Wx D) 2.93" x 2.21" x 1.08" 2.97" x 2.20" x 1.09" 2.93" x 2.21" x 1.08" 2.97" x 2.20" x 1.09"
  • For a complete list of specifications and responsivity graphs, please see the Specs tab above. Data are valid at 23 ± 5 °C and 45% ± 15% relative humidity (non-condensing).
  • At Maximum Gain Setting
  • At 600 nm
  • At 800 nm
  • At the Peak Responsivity Wavelength
  • Within the 23 ± 5 °C temperature range.
  • For more information on how NEP is calculated, please see Thorlabs' Noise Equivalent Power White Paper.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Imperial Price Available
APD410A2 Support Documentation
APD410A2Si Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, UV Enhanced, 200 - 1000 nm, DC - 10 MHz, 8-32 Taps
APD430A2 Support Documentation
APD430A2Si Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, UV Enhanced, 200 - 1000 nm, DC - 400 MHz, 8-32 Taps
APD410A Support Documentation
APD410ASi Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, DC - 10 MHz, 8-32 Taps
Lead Time
APD430A Support Documentation
APD430ASi Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, DC - 400 MHz, 8-32 Taps
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
APD440A Support Documentation
APD440ACustomer Inspired! Si Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, DC - 100 kHz, Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
APD440A2 Support Documentation
APD440A2Customer Inspired! Si Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 200 - 1000 nm, DC - 100 kHz, Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
3 weeks
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
APD410A2/M Support Documentation
APD410A2/MSi Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, UV Enhanced, 200 - 1000 nm, DC - 10 MHz, M4 Taps
APD430A2/M Support Documentation
APD430A2/MSi Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, UV Enhanced, 200 - 1000 nm, DC - 400 MHz, M4 Taps
APD410A/M Support Documentation
APD410A/MSi Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, DC - 10 MHz, M4 Taps
APD430A/M Support Documentation
APD430A/MSi Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, DC - 400 MHz, M4 Taps
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Variable-Gain, Temperature-Compensated, High-Speed Si Avalanche Photodetectors

Key Specificationsa
Item # APD410 APD210
Detector Type Silicon APD
Wavelength Range 200 - 1000 nm 400 - 1000 nm
Frequency Range 1 - 1600 MHz
3 dB Bandwidth 5 - 900 MHz 5 - 1000 MHz
Active Area Diameter 0.2 mm 0.5 mm
Responsivity Graph
(Click to View)
Conversion Gain (Max) 4.5 x 104 V/W @ 1 GHz, 650 nm 2.5 × 105 V/W @ 1 GHz, 800 nm
NEP (Calculated)b 87.6 pW/√Hz 0.24 pW/√Hz
M Factor 50 100
Typ. Max Responsivity 22 A/W @ 650 nm 50 A/W @ 800 nm
  • For a complete list of specifications and responsivity graphs, please see the Specs tab above.
  • For more information on how NEP is calculated, please see Thorlabs' Noise Equivalent Power White Paper.


  • Fast Laser Pulses
  • Ultra-Low-Light Signals
  • Temperature-Compensated Avalanche Photodiode
  • Integrated Radio Frequency Amplifier
  • Continuously Adjustable Gain Setting
  • Long-Term Field Tested
  • Free-Space Optical Input with Internal SM05 (0.535"-40) Threading
  • Easy-to-Use Package
  • Location-Specific (EU or US) Power Supply Included

Originally developed for the detection of the beat note signal between CW or pulsed lasers, Menlo Systems' Si Avalanche Photodetectors are ideally suited for applications requiring very high sensitivity for low-light input signals in the 200 - 1000 nm or 400 - 1000 nm range. The APD avalanche photodiode series can provide an extremely sensitive alternative to traditional PIN photodiodes. They are also fast enough for the characterization of, for example, pulsed solid-state lasers on the nanosecond time scale.

The detectors maintain high gain stability over the 10 °C to 40 °C temperature range by utilizing a temperature compensation circuit, which adjusts the ~150 V DC bias to ensure operation near the breakdown voltage.

Models for both the visible and near infrared range are available. The compact design of these detectors allows for easy OEM integration.

The units are especially recommended for applications such as metrology when homodyne or heterodyne optical beat signals of weak power have to be detected and amplified in a highly efficient way.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
APD410 Support Documentation
APD410Si Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 200 - 1000 nm, 1 - 1600 MHz, M4 Tap
APD210 Support Documentation
APD210Si Variable-Gain Avalanche Detector, Temperature Compensated, 400 - 1000 nm, 1 - 1600 MHz, M4 Tap
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±12 VDC Regulated Linear Power Supply

LDS12B Male Power Cable

Pinout for PDA Power Cables
  • Replacement Power Supply for Avalanche Photodetectors Sold Above (Except Item # APD210)
  • ±12 VDC Power Output
  • Current Limit Enabling Short Circuit and Overload Protection
  • On/Off Switch with LED Indicator
  • Switchable AC Input Voltage (100, 120, or 230 VAC)
  • 2 m (6.6') Cable with LUMBERG RSMV3 Male Connector
  • UL and CE Compliant

The LDS12B ±12 VDC Regulated Linear Power Supply is intended as a replacement for the supply included with our APD series of avalanche photodetectors sold on this page, except for the APD210 photodetector. The cord has three pins: one for ground, one for +12 V, and one for -12 V (see diagram to the right). A region-specific power cord is shipped with the unit based on your location. This power supply can also be used with the PDA series of amplified photodetectors, PDB series of balanced photodetectors, PMM series of photomultiplier modules, and the FSAC autocorrelator for femtosecond lasers.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LDS12B Support Documentation
LDS12B±12 VDC Regulated Linear Power Supply, 6 W, 100/120/230 VAC
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Internally SM1-Threaded Fiber Adapters

  • Internally SM1-Threaded (1.035"-40) Disks with FC/PC, FC/APC, SMA, ST®*/PC, SC/PC, LC/PC, or Ø2.5 mm Ferrule Receptacle
  • Light-Tight Construction when used with SM1 Lens Tubes

These Fiber Adapters can be used with many of our avalanche photodetectors above. Note that we do not recommend using fiber connector adapters alone to couple light onto the APD401A2(/M), APD430A2(/M), and APD430A(/M) avalanche photodetectors due to the small size of their sensors. To achieve high coupling efficiency, a fiber collimation package, focusing lens, and X-Y translator should be used. See the Fiber Coupling tab for details.

The FC/PC and FC/APC adapters are available in narrow or wide key versions; for details on narrow versus wide key connectors, please see our Intro to Fiber tutorial.

The FC/APC adapters have two dimples in the front surface that allow them to be tightened with the SPW909 or SPW801 spanner wrench. The dimples do not go all the way through the disk so that the adapter can be used in light-tight applications when paired with SM1 lens tubes.

The S120-25 ferrule adapter is designed without a locking connector mechanism and accepts fiber patch cables with Ø2.5 mm ferrules for quick measurements with photodetectors or power sensors.

Item # S120-FC2 S120-FC S120-APC2a S120-APCa S120-SMA S120-ST S120-SC S120-LC S120-25
Adapter Image
(Click the Image
to Enlarge)
S120-FC2 S120-FC S120-APC2 S120-APC S120-SMA S120-ST S120-SC S120-LC S120-25
Fiber Connector Type FC/PC,
2.0 mm Narrow Key
2.2 mm Wide Key
2.0 mm Narrow Key
2.2 mm Wide Key
SMA ST/PC SC/PCb LC/PC Ø2.5 mm Ferrule
Threading Internal SM1 (1.035"-40)
  • The S120-APC2 and S120-APC are designed with a 4° mechanical angle to compensate for the refraction angle of the output beam.
  • In certain angle-independent applications, this adapter may also be used with SC/APC connectors.

*ST® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
S120-FC2 Support Documentation
S120-FC2FC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
S120-FC Support Documentation
S120-FCFC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)
S120-APC2 Support Documentation
S120-APC2FC/APC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
S120-APC Support Documentation
S120-APCCustomer Inspired! FC/APC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)
S120-SMA Support Documentation
S120-SMASMA Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
3 weeks
S120-ST Support Documentation
S120-STST/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
S120-SC Support Documentation
S120-SCSC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
S120-LC Support Documentation
S120-LCLC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
S120-25 Support Documentation
S120-25Customer Inspired! Ø2.5 mm Ferrule Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads